Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Controversial Diet Interview

Last week I did a LOT of Kettlebell workouts because the nearest gym was 35 minutes away. And believe me, the Kettlebells were TT-worthy!

I'm getting stronger and having more fun with the kettlebells this summer, thanks to Troy Anderson's expert tips & workouts.

Troy's Kettlebell Meltdown Fat Loss program kicks butt (and you'll get a chance to use it soon!), but of course, you need the advanced diet plan to go with it for maximum fat burning...

In fact, you can learn about the diet that Troy used to lose 18.5 pounds and 6.5% bodyfat in only 28 days.

Those results are CRAZY!

But I'll be HONEST...I'm hesitant to even post this interview...in fact, depending on the feedback I get, I might even remove Troy's nutrition answers because they are just so darn controversial.

The diet he used is extreme...but TT Members is all about showing you what works for fat loss.

Read Troy's Nutrition & Interval secrets before I change my mind and take his dirty diet discussion down:

=> Click Here to read Troy's Dirty Diet Tricks

PS - His kettlebell workouts are just as effective...watch for his Meltdown program - COMING SOON!

DISCOVER: The NEW DB-BW Fusion Workout

One of the most popular TT workouts has been updated...here is the 2008 version of the classic Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion Workout.

I wrote this program to help you get through your workouts faster without having to change weights between supersets (if you use adjustable dumbells at home) or grab two sets of dumbells at the gym.

This TT workout contains the perfect pairings of dumbell and bodyweight exercises to help you get maximum results in less time.

I wrote this because someone on the forum, can't remember who, was having a hard time with their adjustable dumbells...so this should help you out!

Download the TT DB-BW Fusion 2008 Workout and watch the videos here:
=> Click Here for the TT DB-BW Fusion Workout

Let me know about your favorite TT Workout and new workouts you'd like to see in coming months.

Stay strong,


PS - TT Members speak out!

"Hi Craig, for the last 8 weeks I've been applying the Turbulence Training theory to my training and have lost 10Kg (22lbs). Compare that to the amount of running, cycling and rowing I did in the same 8 week period in 2006 and you'll see I probably did 10 times the amount of time on running/cycling/rowing but only lost half as much. Anyway I'm off to Margarita in 3 days for a fantastic 2 week windsurfing holiday and I'm at the lightest I've been (87.7Kg, 6'3") for a few years, which will help my sailing significantly!"
Roy Steel

Fat Loss Workouts

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