Friday, June 06, 2008

My 7:40am Workout This Morning

Got up an hour early today at 5:50am, on what might be the most beautiful day of the year here in Toronto.

So it was off to the dog park with Bally, where we met a bunch of other silly Labs, and they ran and wrestled, and of course sniffed out the treats in my pockets.

One day I'll tell you about the time Bally ate a pound of butter that he stole from a "Corn-on-the-Cob" booth, but that's another story for another email.

Today, we did an extra long walk, but still got home ahead of schedule at 7:30ish, so I decided to try out another 4 minute fat
loss roboto workout before breakfast.

Click Here to make your own workout

I quickly played around with the site, and came up with this one...

1) Bodyweight Squat (always pick an easy exercise first)
2) Pushup (another easy one for upper body warmup)
3) Dumbell Swing
4) Close-grip pushup
5) Dumbell Swing
6) Mountain Climber
7) Dumbell Swing
8] Mountain Climber

(NOTE: I actually did Kettlebell snatches instead of dumbbell swings, but I couldn't find that exercise in the fat loss roboto

Quick workout. And good times.

So now Bally is snacking on a rawhide treat - oh no wait, he's switched into sleep mode now - and I'm off to work on a new fat
loss report.

Later this morning, Bally goes to camp at 11:30 (another story for another day), and then I go to work.

I have a client around noon, but my afternoon appointment cancelled - so it's a FREE Friday afternoon for me!

I'll probably do more kettlebell training from a new project we're going to have out for the official start to summer.

In the meantime, take my challenge of creating a better workout program using Fat Loss Roboto.

I'll give a Platinum TT Membership to the person who sends me the best Fat Loss Roboto workout program.

Have a fat burning weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Is your workout better than my workout?

Let me know what you come up with!

PPS - Still not sure what the Roboto is?

Be sure to check out the short video clip demos at:

=> Click here to watch the short video clip demos - it's like a human video game!

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