Thursday, June 05, 2008

8 Exercise Bodyweight Circuit For You

This is an embarrassing story about how I discovered an 8 exercise bodyweight circuit for you...

But today in one of the TT forum discussions, a TT reader (forum name "Bigbum123" - hey, they picked their name, not me!) reported on a great workout he had with the new fat loss roboto.

As I read it, I said to myself, "Fat loss roboto? What the heck is that?" So after searching around I found the site.

Click Here for the Fat Loss Roboto

(Yes, roboto, just like the song!)

I got hooked on the site pretty quick, and started playing around with all types of workouts you can set up on it. 

And it also solves the #1 home gym workout problem, which is...

"How do I do intervals if I don't have a treadmill."

The site, run by my friend Ryan Lee, uses a lot of classic TT
bodyweight exercises, and it's perfect for everyone who trains at home and wants to do intervals but has no cardio equipment.

As you know from past newsletters, I like to set up bodyweight circuits of alternating lower and upper body exercises. So here's one I put together that you can try...

1) Squats
2) Pushups
3) Jump squats
4) Decline pushups
5) Lunges
6) Mountain climbers
7) Dumbell swings
8] Close-grip pushups

(Heck, it was fun just playing around and making Ryan do a whole bunch of exercises really fast. Its like a human video game).

Oh, I forgot to mention why this is embarrassing. Well, I feel
slightly embarrassed because I didn't know all about this site until one of the TT members mentioned it - especially after I found out it was my friend's website. So I apologize again for missing this!

(I've had my head buried in the sand working on a kettlebell for fat loss project and training lots of kettlebell workouts.)

I'm supposed to be the "insider", although it took a TT member to turn the TT forum onto this program. So you can all thank Bigbum123 for pointing this one out...and I promise I won't let another fat burning tool slip by me.

I'm going to be playing around with this one all weekend.

Try it out here:

Let me know your favorite fat loss roboto workout,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Is your workout better than my workout?

Let me know what you come up with!

PPS - But the bad news is... won't have any more excuses for not working out. This little fat loss roboto thing can go travel to hotel rooms with you, and the workouts are less than 5 minutes long.

So "lack of time" and "I'm traveling" are no longer excuses.

Be sure to check out the short video clip demos at:


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