Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekend Warrior Workouts

Today I'm off to do a weekend warrior workout in the sun here as it's a nice spring afternoon...I'll be doing the TT Bodyweight 30-Minute Circuit Challenge which is going to be part of the June TT workout of the month.

In this program, I'm flipping the Bodyweight Challenges "upside down". Instead of doing a certain number of reps as fast as possible, you're going to do as many reps as possible in a given amount of time.

Look for this workout to be available June 1st...or a little earlier to TT Members.

Plus, I just got a new set of Kettlebells from last week. Now that it's nice out, I'm back into training with Kettlebells outdoors (they just aren't that fun in crowded gyms).

And I've been bugging my friends Josh Henkin and Troy Anderson (two Kettlebell experts from Arizona) to create a Kettlebell program for fat loss, and that program will be ready to kick off summer just after June 21st.

It's Turbulence Training approved!

So there you go...lots of "outdoor" training options in June with the TT Bodyweight 30-Minute Circuit and the soon-to-be-released Kettlebell for Fat Loss program (don't worry, it has a cooler name than that...I just didn't want to mention it yet!).

In fact, I'm calling June "Hardcore Fat Loss Month" here at Turbulence Training.

In addition to these 2 hardcore workouts, you'll also be hearing some reviews of some advanced fat loss nutrition books I've been reading, as well as anything and everything to satisfy the hardcore fat burners out there.

Hardcore fat loss for summer,

PS - Still sketpical? You can try Turbulence Training for only $5.

Click HERE for Craig's Incredible TT Trial Offer

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