Friday, May 23, 2008

Nutrition Tip for Fat Burning Workouts

This is a nutrition tip for fat burning workouts, and for the people who are busting their butts in the gym and not getting the results they deserve.

Listen, you have to fix your nutrition if you want succeed in your fat burning workouts. The simplest change is to stop eating foods from a bag or a box. Switch over to more fruits and vegetables.

Now I know you're not just going to wake up and eat 10 servings of vegetables tomorrow. Besides, your stomach and co-workers wouldn't appreciate it.

But you have to make little changes every day, week, month & year. We can always get better. So this weekend, start with one new item from the produce aisle to help control your appetite, regulate your blood sugar, and burn body fat.

If you want to lose fat, live longer & healthier, and have more mental and physical energy to get through your day, you need to put premium fuel in your body's engine.

Not grease. Not sugar. Not quick fixes. You have to plan ahead. But don't worry, it doesn't take much time.

Start by eating several small meals each day, focusing on protein and fiber-rich foods.

Combine that with the short, convenient Turbulence Training workouts and you'll feel like a million bucks.
We are all a work in progress, so never give up on your ability to change your body at any age. Nutrition & exercise are as powerful as the drugs your doctors are handing out.

So fight back against aging and body fat naturally.

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS. How fast can you change your body with TT nutrition?

"Craig, thanks to the TT Nutrition guidelines, I woke up the next morning and already saw improvement in my whole body! Unbelievable. I can hardly wait to see my physique after 2 weeks of Turbulence Training."
Arthur Capone, NY

"At mid-life, pushing 300 pounds, and highly skeptical of quick-fixes, I learned of Turbulence Training and decided it was a program which made sense. It's about hard work, sensible eating, and getting stronger. In less than an hour, 3 to 4 times per week, the workouts are manageable on a busy schedule. It produced not only weight loss of close to 60 pounds; my strength increased rather dramatically. I have recommended the program to many men who are seeking an efficient, yet demanding, program for fitness and healthy eating."
Todd Thompson

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training here:
=> Turbulence Training Workout & Nutrition Guide 

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