Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Slow Cardio Is a Fat Loss Mistake

You know, a lot of people just don't trust a fat loss program that calls for no cardio.

After all, it is just so OPPOSITE to everything we were brainwashed into believing in the 80's and 90's about fat loss.

But if the info we got 10 and 20 years ago actually worked, we wouldn't need to be discussing fat burning workouts at all, would we now?

As one Turbulence Training success story says...

"Before Turbulence Training I thought that the only way to lose weight was by doing ''cardio'', or better said slow, long, boring cardio, and that resistance training was for people looking to grow
muscles only.

I wouldn't even think of resistance training for fat loss, actually, what all the trainers say when you get to the gym is that people need to burn some fat first by doing only cardio for the first weeks
and then, only then we could add the resistence trainig.

After I stumbled with TT, all of that changed. I'm now losing fat and gaining strength all at the same time.

But what I absolutley love the most is the fact that by doing the right movements I can get a full body workout in half the time I would if I were working out like before. I know I don't have to
spend countless hours exercising anymore, TT has shown me a new and completely better way to stay fit and lean."
Virginia Santana

So yesterday, I covered a couple of workout mistakes...today, let's look at 2 more common errors men and women make that stop them from burning off that belly fat...

MISTAKE #4 - Not knowing when to stop.

I get emails everyday from readers asking if they can add even more cardio and more lifting to their current workout plans. After all, if some is good, more training must be better?


Listen, you have to draw the line somewhere. You can't keep adding more and more exercise.

First, there is diminishing returns from each additional set you do, and from extra cardio. (You might remember the woman who emailed me who was doing 7 hours of cardio with no results, and wanted to know if she should do more. Short answer was "No Way!").

Second, your body can breakdown fast from too much work, particularly when you are dieting.

Training too much and eating too little go together like oil and water. This combo won't give you the body you want...but it will probably put you in the doctor's office.

So focus on quality over quantity, rather than doing more and more.

The only thing that matters is results. Not muscle soreness, not feeling exhausted after each workout, and not feeling deprived of food.

MISTAKE #5 - Not getting started.

Hey, I understand you are confused by all the conflicting info out there in the fitness world.

One magazine tells you one thing, while the Internet tells you and something else. It's enough to make you not get started at all.

So I'm going to make getting started the RIGHT WAY as easy as possible for you.

And even if you are the most skeptical person in the world, I have an offer you can't refuse...

You can try the proven Turbulence Training fat loss system for only $4.95 for 21 days...

Once you try it, you'll love it, I promise! But this is the last time I'm going to mention it to you...so don't miss out!

Take advantage of this limited time offer here:

No more fat loss mistakes - only fat loss success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - You still get 6-months fr-ee when you sign-up with the $4.95 trial...

...that's a $120 value alone!

PPS - You can even join the TT Transformation program on this 21-Day Trial Offer...

...where you can win up to $2000 for top body transformation.

Get your copy of Turbulence Training & bonus membership at:
Turbulence Training

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