Monday, May 19, 2008

The Fat Loss Mistakes People Make

Still skeptical of Turbulence Training?

Well, I promise you it won't be another one of the many fat loss mistakes that so many of us have made.

In fact, I'm going to list 5 big ones below...but first, the story of what happened to one guy when he trusted Turbulence Training...

"Hi Craig, I just wanted to thank you for the excellent program that you designed. Honestly if I didnt find Turbulence Training I dont think I would be where I am right now. I am four pounds away from having lost 100lbs (in 9 months). Thanks to your programs and the TT forum. Everyone there is great and so motivational. Again I just wanted to say thank you."
Juan Ruiz

Getting started on Turbulence Training is never a mistake...but here are 5 of the biggest mistakes you might be making in your own program - STOPPING you from getting the results you deserve...fix these, and you'll lose fat.

MISTAKE #1 - Not having Social Support.

Trying to lose fat without social support is the wrong way to go about this.

Ideally, you'd have your doctor, an RD, a trainer, your workout partner, your spouse, your workmates, and your friends all behind you.

Research shows that you'll benefit most from a health professional (i.e. a trainer) and a workout partner that is also successful. Get those two people on your team first, and then work on building the rest of your support group.

MISTAKE #2 - Not using a structured program

If you ever go into the gym and wonder what you are going to do first, you're already wasting your time - even before you choose.

Get a plan, know what you have to do, stick to it, and see it through. That way, no wasted time wandering around the gym deciding where to start.

MISTAKE #3 - Not changing your workout after 4 weeks.

That's the longest you should go on one program.

If your workout hasn't changed in 6 months, and worse, you haven't gotten any results in months, why do you think it's magically going to start working now?

Change your workout up frequently (The Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts change every 2-4 weeks).


I'm going to say the last 2 tips for tomorrw.

But don't forget, even if you are skeptical, you can try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for 21 days...

Try and you'll like it, I promise! 

Please click HERE for the Turbulence Training Trial Offer

You'll get more results and you'll have more fun,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - You still get 6-months fr-ee when you sign-up with the $4.95 trial...

...that's a $120 value alone!

PPS - You can even join the TT Transformation program on this 21-Day Trial Offer...

...where you can win up to $2000 for top body transformation.

=> Click HERE to get TT for $4.95 to start

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