Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Interval Training Workout to Burn Belly Fat

If a trainer tells you there's a best way to do interval training, they are wrong.

Research shows that intervals are powerful for fat loss, but there's never been a "head-to-head" study comparing different lengths of interval workouts.

20 seconds, 8 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, they all work.

But that's good news. It means that all types of interval training workouts will work to help you burn your belly fat.

In addition, for distance runners, intervals of 2-5 minutes are very helpful for improving performance. But for fat loss workouts, I tend to use a nice simple 30-60 second intervals for fat burning benefits.

Plus, if you do intervals on a cardio machine, its very easy to stick to a 30-60 second interval timing, followed by a 60-90 second recovery at a much slower pace. If the intervals were any shorter, it would be tough to change the settings on the machine fast enough.

Any type of this interval training for fat loss is likely better than slow cardio, and allows for faster workouts.

Despite what you may read on the Internet, no one has proven that one type of interval is best for fat loss. That is why I use different Intervals for different phases of a fat loss program.

For example, if you have been doing 30-60 second intervals for the last 2 months, you might kick-start your results by moving to 20-second intervals or even, gasp, 2-minute intervals.

As you change the interval length, you change the way your body responds to the training.

- It is recommended that the stationary cycle be used for interval training because it allows for an easy transition between work and recovery.

- Finish each interval workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only.

- Perform the interval sessions 3 times per week.

- Use a different interval duration in each 4-week phase of the TT programs.

- Each set-up provides a different stimulus to your body, so you might identify one that works the best for you.

- You may also use a different interval duration in each workout. For example, short intervals in Workout A and longer intervals after Workout B.

- Here is a sample interval workout.

-Warm-up for 5 minutes.

- Work at an 8/10 level of intensity for 60 seconds.

- (A 10/10 intensity is running for your life, so adjust accordingly).

- Your heart rate should be near maximal by the end of the interval.

- Follow that with active rest for 60 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity.

- Active rest means walking or pedaling at a very slow rate.

- Repeat for 6 intervals.

- Finish with 5 minutes of cool-down exercise at 3/10 level of intensity.

Discover how to immediately put interval workouts to work for you, so that you lose fat and gain muscle in less workout time than ever before with Turbulence Training fat burning intervals .

Burn fat fast without cardio,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Another skeptic finds shorter, harder TT workouts to be more effective...

"I obtained the TT package a couple of weeks ago after becoming completely fed up with my bodyshape and current level of fitness. I played competetive football (or soccer...) until about a year ago and since stopping, I have gained a lot of weight as I have not replaced the 6 hours of tough physical activity that I used to undertake each week.

As my job takes me away from home for 2-3 days per week, I couldn't devote the time to training and matches that I could when I was a student. I did some research as I needed a programme that wasn't too time consuming and that could be performed in a hotel room on the days when I don't have access to a gym, and discovered TT.

I have just embarked on my first programme and am currently using the Big 5 workout. The TT Members website is a great resource and I am even going to participate in the next TT transformation contest, when I return from my first holiday to the USA at the end of May.

My problem is not that I hate working out, I actually love it and the workouts are certainly a challange. I have to say i was a little skeptical at first that what seemingly was very little exercise could produce dramatic results, however after completing the fist workout, I soon changed my mind. I look forward to seeing a change in my body in the coming months!"

Click HERE To get started with Turbulence Training


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I love using turbulence training in my fitness routine.

  2. Anonymous4:05 AM

    I have been using Phentermine to burn my fat and it works really well, I ordered it from www.medsheaven.com you can easy loose lots of pounds with this without even working out, and if you do workout you will loose a lot more! this is the best fat loss medicine ever I highly recommend it.

  3. That is indeed good news! I've been undergoing interval trainings for weeks to maintain my body after my laser liposuction. Los Angeles has the most professional and skilled surgeons that's why I had it done there. To improve the appearance of my midsection and make it natural-looking, I also had a tummy tuck. Los Angeles is well-known for surgical enhancements across the country.

  4. After you get your tummy trimmed, you may want to look into botox. In Florida, there are surgeons and doctors that specializes in this kind of treatment. If you're contemplating on additional aesthetic makeovers, you might want to consult them.
