Monday, May 12, 2008

April Turbulence Training Testimonial of the Month

Here are some of the Turbulence Training testimonials we received in April.

"Been running for 6 months with minimal weight loss. Since starting TT, I have lost 10 lbs. in 2 months. A God Send. Thanks."
Chris Schwartz, M.D.

Short, but sweet. For this testimonial, Chris wins a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership. It sums up the frustration so many people have with running and long slow cardio, and highlights the results you will get when you switch over to the shorter, more enjoyable Turbulence Training workouts.

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training


"I've just finished my third week of Turbulence Training and I already see amazing results. I've been weight training for about five years, so I really thought I knew a thing or two. Then I found Turbulence Training. I quickly realized what a waste of time all those isolation exercises were and how much time I had wasted doing them. After my first TT workout, I knew this was something big. This was something that would change my life.

And in three short weeks, it already has. I now look forward going to the gym and knocking out my workout in less than an hour. I walk in with a plan, instead of walking around aimlessly trying to decide what to do next. Those days are over! My clothes are already feeling looser, and my waistline is shrinking. I didn't even realize how much fat had slowly crept up on me, but once I started seeing such positive changes, I realized this was only the beginning. I can't wait to see what the next few months will bring!"
Wilhelmina Seamans

"I got engaged about 4 months ago, and while getting in shape to look good in my dress and bikini on the honeymoon have been major goals in my mind since day one, to be honest I've been sort of putting off actually doing anything about it.  I've always been active and went to the gym at least 5 days a week, but I've never been able to achieve the toned look I want.
I found the TT website and after reading about it I decided to try it out.  I've only been doing the workouts for about 4 weeks now, but I alreay notice a difference in the way my clothes fit.  

The structure of the workouts is what I love the most, because one thing I've always struggled with at the gym is not knowing what to do once I got there.  I'd end up aimlessly lifting free weights until I got intimidated by the guys at my gym, then run on the treadmill for a half hour.  But now I go in with a purpose, do three intense workouts a week, and I'm done in less time than ever.  I love knowing that this plan will get me the results I want if I just stick to it.  I know that if I follow these guidelines I can be exactly where I want to be by my wedding day!  Thank you!!"

"Hi Craig, I have not had much success in the past with shape and muscle definition to the lower part of my body. It didn't matter what exercises I did; increase the weights, special exercise patterns, change exercises every 4-6 weeks, hundreds of squats. I did lots of cardio ­ all done with strict nutrition of course;  while I felt strong, energetic and healthy, my butt, legs and abs could never be revealed in a swimsuit, let alone a bikini.

I have to tell you I tried Turbulence Training in desperation and with trepidation. I tried this method because I liked Craig's scientific evidence and proven-results track record. Also, because the method is endorsed by elite athletics, it was the extra proof I needed to start the program.

It works ­ it works ­ it works.  I have more shape and definition in my legs and butt ­ even the cellulite is less noticeable. It was amazing to shop for and try on bikinis ­ it was more amazing to buy a bikini to wear on my holidays next month. I can't speak highly enough of Turbulence Training. ­ it also saves me time in the gym. I'm hooked."
Suzanne George

Click HERE To send your Turbulence Training Testimonial

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