Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Tribute to Social Support for Fat Loss

Here's a great summary on the importance of social support for fat loss. This was originally posted  on by one of the Turbulence Training Transformation contestants...

So, i've been transforming my body for a little over a month now. but this contest has become so much more for me than just the physical transformation.

It is truly changing my life and that is in huge part due to all the incredible people here on this forum. so, i'd like to share just a few of the reasons i feel so grateful to be a part of this amazing group. please feel free to add on :).

1) this contest/forum has shown me that i don't have to be perfect to inspire and motivate others...i am perfectly capable of doing that as i am

2) the forum has really opened my eyes to the power of social support

3) you guys have given me outer strength on days when my inner strength went into hiding

4) the reassurance that i'm doing the right thing and the positive input about my progress has been priceless

5) i feel a huge connection to other amazing like-minded people all over the world

6) i get so much joy out of reading about everyone's successes, stumbles, and small steps towards their big goals

7) being a part of this challenge has taught me an invaluable lesson about how goals are really has really driven home the idea of the huge cumulative effect of small daily actions and i feel like that realization will be so helpful in achieving other goals

8) this challenge has made me realize that we all do have something incredible about us and are truly unlimited in our potential. look at all the "everyday people" (whatever that means) here in this group who have become incredible inspirations to others and shown us that we all have the ability to positively transform our lives

9) i have learned an incredible amount about what it's like to lose weight slowly and consistently in a healthy way

10) this process has finally allowed me to make some major progress in regards to my relationship with food. i have never felt so at ease with my food choices before nor so inspired to eat clean. this has been an incredibly liberating breakthrough for someone who has binged to the point of wanting to puke more times than i'd care to count. i feel so much more connected to my reasons for eating and for the first time in my life i don't feel deprived on clean foods. this is a balance i've been searching for for so long in my life and if i gained nothing else out of this challenge besides this it would still be life transforming.

11) there is such a diversity of knowledge and experiences on the forum and such an amazing, supportive, and inspiring group of people

so maybe i was supposed to save all this for the end, but i just find myself so amazed by this process and by all of you so i just had to share. thank you all for all your hard work, for sharing your struggles, and for moving forward every day. looking forward to the rest of the journey...


ps--and a HUGE thanks to craig for creating an incredible system that's fun, challenging, fits my lifestyle, and produces major results...and for providing us with the motivation to finally take action with the challenge.

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

pps - the next transformation contest officially begins May 1st.

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