Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fat Loss Success in a Nutshell

Here's another great post from a TT Member who explains the fat loss process as well as I ever could. This is what it takes to lose weight. If you aren't commited to taking these actions, then I have bad news for you...

So here it goes, here's how you achieve fat loss success:

First and Foremost:

I apologize for the long post.

Kudos to Craig for putting together one of the best fat burning workouts on the planet!

It's a winner from every aspect. While he may not have created the exercises here ( least not all of them...), it takes a great deal of knowledge, expertise and experience for him to put together such a winning combination.

I tell everyone...and I mean ~EVERYONE~ that asks me about my change to go to!

For you busy moms and dads out there...stay focused and remember what kind of example you're setting for your kids! They need to learn that success is not by chance. Plan and execute!

Here's a quick rundown on my story:

I work in the IT industry (for a bank no less) so my days are crazy to say the least. Age, work, and the stresses of daily life have all conspired in some way or another to both inflate and deflate me over the years. But since coming across some of Craig's articles in Men's Health magazine last year, I've been consistently gaining ground to beat them.

Late last year I signed up for Craig's $1.00 special membership deal and began trying the monthly workouts. I had a great deal of success with them and tried to recruit my wife. But she was skeptical at first (as most women are) and mostly afraid of the weight training...but I finally prevailed.

I convinced her that we should make a commitment to one another and buy the full program as a New Year's resolution to each other.

We've never looked back!

January 1, 2008...I weighed in at 215 pounds with one of those handheld fat calipers putting me at between 14 - 15% BF. My personal goal was to get back down to 200 pounds and then concentrate on muscle growth. At the time I was wearing 36" waist pants which were fitting more loosely every day. I couldn't quite see my abs...Yet...

Following TT workouts, proper nutrition and using a secret weapon (which I will get to later), I reached my 200 pound goal the week of 2/17/08...which coincidentally was my 39th birthday. That's 15 pounds in less than 8 weeks!

Continuing to today, I weigh in at 198 pounds and I have a solid 4 pack. I look better today than I have ever looked! I don't have the fat caliper anymore, but judging by my clearly visible results, I would say I'm down somewhere between 10% and 12%. I won't post any of my wife's numbers, but she is equally thrilled with her personal results.

Here are some pointers I'd like to make to those busy professionals that may need some encouragement. These truths were invaluable to me:

1.) Find a partner. Someone to hold you accountable...and you them...For me that's my wife :)

2.) Schedule the workouts. It doesn't happen by accident. Put it on the calendar. Your partner should know your schedule. Review it regularly with them. Accountability.

3.) Be honest with the workouts. It's more than a single item:

a.) Make sure the weight used for the workouts is challenging.
b.) Craig puts rest times in the workouts. Be honest with yourself about that...Use a stop watch.
c.) Work hard to get the workouts done as quickly as possible...make it a personal challenge to get it done faster.
d.) Make sure your progressing with the intervals in either speed, time or both! ...push yourself

4.) Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition...I said it 3's that important...

Keep eating throughout the day and keep a schedule. I have one entire desk drawer dedicated to different snack foods...and a recurring email reminder that pops up and reminds me to eat. Everyone in my office is used to seeing
me with some sort of healthy food...even during meetings. They've come to expect it.

Learn to Measure things. Buy a digital scale and learn what 4oz of chicken "looks" like. Sometimes my wife and I play this stupid little game "how much do you think that weighs...?" Learn what a 1/2 cup of rice, noodles; etc "looks" like. This all helps so that when you're not at home, you can make educated guesses as to portion size...

...Which leads me to the "secret Weapon"

5.) Write down ~EVERYTHING~ you put in your face!!!

OK, so it's not so secret....coaches and trainers have been saying this for years; I just never took it seriously.

Write it down and Log it in at Fitday. Everything! You won't get all the nutrients exactly right but you'll be close. Fitday allows for Custom Foods.

Do some research and put together what I call a "Personal Pantry" of stuff you eat all the time. It makes it easier. For everything else, make reasonable guesses and get close. That'll be fine.

Since I was already doing the workouts this single fact has made all the difference.

Let me say that again... without changing anything else...the single...~SINGLE~...defining factor that I attribute my success this year is that I started logging everything I ate on a little pocket notepad and documenting in fitday when I got home from work.

It's amazing just how fast the calories add up!

Finally, Thanks again Craig for putting together such a great program.

And to everyone who reads this...go challenge yourself.

That's all there is to it,
Click HERE to start losing fat today with Turbulence Training

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