Tuesday, April 01, 2008

How to Get Flat Abs with Hundreds of Crunches

If you want to get a great set of lower abs, then you really need to do hundreds of crunches, situps, and probably an extra 45-60 minutes of aerobic exercise each day.

For diet, I'd recommend a high carbohydrate, low-fat plan, and don't worry about protein. It's over-rated.

Make sure to exercise 7 days per week, or 8 if possible, doing at least 90 minutes per session. After all, who works out in less than 90 minutes?

Okay, by now I hope you've caught my April Fool's joke.

What I wrote above is the WRONG way to get lower abs...even though it's the most common advice you see in fluffy magazines and hear from under-qualified mega-gym trainers who got their certificate out of a Cracker Jack box.

The truth?

You need to do intervals, cut the grains and processed carbohydrates from your diet, and eat healthy fats, protein, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables to keep you full and mentally alert.

I've been playing around with some great new lower ab exercises, such as the L-Chin-up and the Pull-up with Knee-up, but I only included the latter exercise in the April TT workout called, " TT for Amazing Lower Abs".

Now here's the great news - you can check out a Youtube video of one my workouts from the program...=> Abdominal Workout  

Once you've tried that...

Download the new workout here & watch the videos:
=> Click HERE to download the full program & watch all the Lower Ab Workout Videos

Let me know what you think of it on the forums,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training  

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