Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I was at a seminar in LA on the weekend, talking to another expert about my friend Holly Rigsby's fitness website for Moms.

I told him Holly has a f-r-ee site called http://www.ClubFYM.

The guy I was talking to said it sounded like a porn site.

"No, no, no,", I said. I then explained to him it was a place for Moms to meet up with other moms into fat loss and network and share ideas on recipes, child care, and of course, their Transformations with the Fit Yummy Mummy workouts.

"But what the heck is a Yummy Mummy?", he asked, looking at me as if I had some really strange magazine subscriptions or something.

(Little did I know that "Yummy Mummy" is a term that's only popular in Canada, the UK, and Down Under, but not America.)

So I had to explain to him that a Fit Yummy Mummy is a confident, empowered woman who values fitness, fat loss, and nutrition. All of which translate into her "Yummy-ness".

At which point he finally got it. I think. Or he gave up on me. However, I never did get a chance to get to my point about and the bonus report that Holly put together for all Moms.

Here's the deal...

Holly Rigsby, America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Moms is currently giving out a f-r-ee "Goal-Setting Guide" for Mom's to help them Get Back on Track and be 10 pounds lighter by May!

(You know, just in case Mom's fitness and nutrition have gotten off-track since New Year's.)

Here's a note from Holly Rigsby, but for WOMEN only:

The Fit Yummy Mummy Goal Setting Guide is a complimentary gift to you for joining and taking action to recommit to your goals and guarantee you achieve results by summer.

To receive this one-of-a-kind goal-setting guide, simply become a FYM at

Once your request to join has been approved, you will find your gift in the top right hand corner of ClubFYM.

Your Friend and Coach,
Holly Rigsby
Author of Fit Yummy Mummy

Join ClubFYM =>

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