Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Turbulence Training Tips for Fat Burning

Turbulence Training Tips for Fat Burning

Q on the TT Members forum:

"Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for folks who are new to TT? I've been doing Craig's Belly Off program from Men's Health, so I have a pretty decent understanding of the concepts. But, as this is a new program, I figured I'd ask all of you who've gone before me... what types of tips/advice do you have for making this work?"

Answer from TT Member Billy_Quiz:
I'm in a similar position to you - I started at 210lbs 8 weeks ago and now I'm down to 193lbs.

My best advice would be...

1) Get your diet right.

There is plenty of info out there but you have to pick what works best for you. I've been following the Eat Stop Eat plan which fits best into my lifestyle. You have already identified the biggest weaknesses from your old diet and eliminated them which is excellent. Stay consistent with your new eating habits.

2) Make your TT days a priority

You will achieve maximum fat loss from the resistance training and high intensity intervals. However, doing it too often will lead to injury and illness due to the strains it places on your body.

Steven Covey (who is a favourite author of mine) uses an illustration for time management of filling a glass jar with rocks, sand and water. When you put the rocks in first you can get most in the jar. The idea is to plan 'first things first'.

Make your TT one of those first things. The cardio or additional exercise on other days is a bonus. I have found that as I have got older, it takes me longer to recover from intense exercise. I have ensured I got my TT in and on off days, if in doubt I have rested rather than train tired and risk injury.

It is better to be 10% undertrained than 1% overtrained!

3) Be consistent

Consistency is the key. If something goes wrong (and sometimes life does get in the way) write that day off and start afresh next day.

Very best of luck and keep working hard

Lots of social support over at the TT fat loss forum,

Fat Loss
Bodyweight workout

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