Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Eat Stop Eat Feedback

Eat stop eat feedback...

More info from TT member Billy_quiz...this time, about his experiences with Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat program

"It's going great and there are about another 5 or 6 guys at work who've seen the results and are trying it.

The first couple of times were a little difficult but I think that was mainly psychological. My first fast I trained about 3 hours into it and because my body expected to be fed after training, I felt somewhat uncomfortable. However, the thing that convinced me it was psychological was next morning when I woke up I felt no more hungry than I would normally.

I have been fasting 2 days a week now for 9 weeks and I have lost something in the region of 20lbs. During that time I have normally fasted from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch. It is not unusual for me to train at 20+ hours into a fast and feel no ill effects. Donna at work (who previously worked as a gym instructor) has recently tried and trained at 22hours. She had major concerns but was trusting enough to give it a go and was pleasantly surprised to find she had no ill effects.

What I would say is to play around with it for a couple of occasions and pick days where it fits your lifestyle best. As I work shifts I have to juggle it a bit but I normally look at fasting Monday into Tuesday and Friday into Saturday. The other tip I would have is to make sure you eat every day eg I might eat breakfast Monday and then fast and eat breakfast Tuesday.

I have never managed the multiple meals deal, it is just too difficult for me to fit into my life and ESE has been such a bonus for me. I'm sure I wouldn't have made half the progress I have without it."

Get started with the "anti-diet" at Eat Stop Eat,

Bodyweight workout
Fat Burning Workout

1 comment:

  1. I have done a full week on this Eat-Stop-Eat method. I did 3 fasts. The first one was surprisingly easy. I do them from 6:30PM-6:30PM. Leaving my weekend free for going out and eating with others. I have continued working out with my Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout 3X per week. I have not been weak at all. I have lost 7lbs and 5 inches. I have always had trouble keeping my calories in check even while working out which slows my progress. I must admit on my fasting days I feel way better than on my eating days. My appetite has seriously decreased so eating completely healthy is satisfying, smaller portions now fill me up. When eating with others I’m filled so fast. This is a total god send for me. It is working like a dream so far. I do not feel deprive whatsoever and the fasting is shockingly easy…for me anyway and the times I have picked to do it. I do find myself highly alert…and so calm. A++++++
