Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Johnno's "Big Guns from Down Under" Transformation

We have many fat loss Transformation members from Down Under, both Australia and New Zealand, and it's great to have their fresh perspectives and positive attitudes on the TT Forums. Here's a story to make you smile about a former Judo champ in the comeback of his life, building up a great set of guns...let's hear from John Pascua.

"I cannot speak highly enough of Turbulence Training.

Over the course of this last 12 weeks I have lost 6kgs while plastering on some muscle and I definitely need new clothes.

People not only notice my fat loss but they treat me differently - even with more respect. It was not without tough times but now that I've completed it, I see all that as character building. As a teacher, I have even been noticed by my kids at school. They all want to get fit in the school's gym with me now.

The Turbulence Training Transformation contest has taught me about having balance while trying to stay focused. I've learned to be realistic about what I eat and appreciate what it means to "eat clean". I'm usually the type of person that gets single minded and fanatical, but then forgets all about the rest of my life (until it comes to a halt).

This experience has been so personal and relavent that it has impacted on every area of my life - especially in terms of understanding "balance" for the purpose of sustainability. For example, I still eat "clean" as Craig advises but in smaller amounts – AND I can forgive myself and move on when I don't.

This was all possible because I was provided with the tools in Turbulence Training website. Tools like the fat loss forum, the support network, the videos, the information, and the contest itself.

Transformation contest is a good name. I have transformed on so many levels:

1) My Body has transformed in reduced body fat, more muscle, ability to move, energy levels, posture and balance.

2) My Health has improved through better liver function, more alert, more hydrated, less body odour, and cleaner looking skin.

3) My Discipline to stay on track has taken on a new meaning as I now know how to balance life and other responsibilities at the same time - and boy has this been hard. I've had to learn to forgive myself on several occasions.

4) Empowerment - I have proven to myself that I still have a strength in there that has to be tapped. I still have energy to chase dreams.

5) My Self Esteem is at an all time high. The last time I was feeling this good was when I won my National Judo titles 27 years ago.

6) Empathy - I have the energy and time to care about others more. I do this naturally because I'm a teacher but it is a lot easier now.

7) I've also learnt to listen to my body and also to try different things if something isn't working. In fact the whole turbulence thing is not only flexible but also very engaging.

Thank you Craig. You've provided a fantastic service that meets many needs."
John Pascua
Thank you John, and thanks for the positive attitude you bring the others in the contest,

Click HERE to start your own Turbulence Training Transformation

PS - The next contest begins in May!

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