Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eve's 14.5 Pound Fat Loss TT Transformation

Eve's fat loss was 14.5 pounds in the 12-Week Turbulence Training Transformation. She's one of the many folks who needed the inspiration of the TT Fat Loss Challenge to get her motivated to stick with her program. Here's Eve's story...

During my 12 week Turbulence Training Transformation Challenge, I lost 14.5 pounds, 2.67 inches from my torso, 1.75 inches from my waist, and 2.5 inches from my hips.

Start weight = 161 lbs
End weight = 146.5 lbs

I'm planning to lose a little more fat, but I am in the best shape of my adult life. I can finally do real push ups, I can see and feel muscle in my arms, and I run up several flights of stairs every day without
getting out of breath!

A few years ago, I lost 80+ pounds, without much exercise, and I wasn't entirely happy with how my body looked and felt. I was happy to have lost all that weight, but I didn't feel in great shape, and then I slowly inched up to 18 pounds over my lowest weight.

I started doing TT workouts last July, and could quickly see a difference in my shape, but my eating was erratic. By the end of last year, I was not pushing myself very hard to do my workouts, and my eating suffered holiday overload.

Basically, I knew what I needed to do to lose weight, I just wasn't doing it. This TT challenge gave me the incentive and motivation to do it!

For this challenge, I made a commitment to myself to do every workout for the whole 12 weeks. I started with Fusion Fat Loss, then TT for Women Advanced, and finished off with the grueling February 2008 Circuits.

Workouts are now definitely a habit, part of my weekly routine. I look look forward to doing them, especially when I've had a stressful day at work.

Doing TT workouts regularly has really cut down on my stress head and neck aches! I love that I can do the workouts at home, in under an hour, and know that I got a great workout.

I started out this challenge by planning to not eat any sweets (brownies, cookies, etc.) for a week or two, to try to break my bad weekend eating habits. I ended up eating sweets just once during the 12 weeks, for a planned special event.

This has been the most amazing part of the challenge for me – realizing that I don't need sweets! By eliminating sweets as an option, I also eliminated a lot of mental stress about what I should eat,
whether I've "earned" a treat, or whether it's ok to have "just one".

I'm not giving up sweets forever, but they don't have the same pull that they always had before. I can spend an entire evening reading now without feeling the compulsion to eat sweets the whole time.

I also started out posting a daily log on, and I have not missed one day! The accountability of knowing that I would need to own up to missed workouts or bad eating has really kept me on track. Craig and the other TT members are an incredible resource, always ready to give
encouragement and advice!

I am very happy with the weight and inches that I have lost over the 84 days of this challenge, but what I have gained is more important – good habits that will keep me healthy and active for life!"
Eve Deane


Great work Eve! You kicked the sweets addiction to the curb, and like so many other TT Transformers, you've made lifelong healthy habits to help you burn fat and feel great.

Stay strong!

Join the TT Transformation Challenge 2nd Edition - Starting May 5th

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