Friday, March 28, 2008

Johnno Fat Loss Transformation Q'n'A

Fat loss question for a TT member from another member on

Q: Johnno-I have just started my TT workouts with the intermediate level. I am new to Turbulence Training and saw your pics on the website. Your transformation is essentially exactly what I hope my experience to be like. You lost all of that fat and gained a lot of muscle mass.

Would you mind just listing each of the programs you used from start to finish and roughly how long you spent with each in order to get the results you've achieved?

I would really appreciate that and it would help me a lot as I start to plan my path to fitness.


I've gone through from Intermediate to 2K5 so far.

On my off days I've been doing the core workouts and my interval training has been on the treadmill.

Pretty much text book stuff (Craig's text book that is hehe). Each workout went for 4 weeks before I went to the next one.

My diet was pretty low cal for the first 6 weeks but I got a little too weak so I just kept to eating clean (and not sorry too much about calories) as per Craig's advise. My weight loss slowed down but I believe I started to put on more muscle around then.

I'm still learning myself, so listen to your body, keep the balance, and keep getting more advise from the more experienced people in this forum.

PS - I always aimed for a personal best in at least one exercise (including any interval training).

Hope that helps. Thanks for asking - I'm honoured.

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