Thursday, March 27, 2008

Body Fat Measurement for Turbulence Training

Measuring your body fat the same way on a consistent basis is important for keeping track of your results. As long as you don't get too freaked out by slight variations and the actual numbers, and concentrate only on the long term trends, almost any body fat measurement tool can help.

Q: I ordered the TT system and I am still trying to read everything before I start. Its like there are too many choices to pick from(ya, I know its not a bad thing). 30 day fat loss, 12 week training, etc. Which is the best to start with? I am also trying to figure out how do do chin ups at home. Also is there an easy way to get a body fat % if you work out at home ?


The best program to start with is the Intermediate Workout from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.

If you can't do chinups at home, the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual recommends alternatives with dumbells.

Also, you can watch a video of dumbell back exercises here:
Back Exercises

Finally, you can buy a $5 Accumeasure set of calipers that can estimate body fat loss , or purchase a Tanita bodyfat scale. Both are okay ways of doing it. OR -> simply ask a veteran trainer to take a look at your stomach fat. Seriously, I can estimate body fat within 1% accuracy simply by looking at someone's belly fat.

Get help from a pro on everything, and results will come a lot faster,
Click HERE to be the first to get the NEW TT for Amazing Lower Abs Workout

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