Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fat Loss - 25 Pounds in 12 Weeks

25 pounds of fat loss in 12 weeks, just by following the Turbulence Training For Fat Loss manual in the exact order it is laid out. Very simple. Follow instructions -> lose fat. That's all you need to do!

Mark Smallwood started with the Intro Level fat burning workouts for 2 weeks, then moved on for 2 weeks of Beginner TT, then the Intermediate Level TT (which is a lot harder than it sounds), and then the classic fat burning workout that started it all, The Original Turbulence Training program.

Here is Mark Smallwood's story...the only mistake he made was not measuring his arms, I bet he added an inch to his "guns" in 12 weeks while losing 25 pounds of fat.

Don't waste another year, month, week, or day. Do what Mark did. Follow the plan and burn the fat.

"I had seen Craig and Turbulence Training in an issue of Men's Health and signed up for the newsletter.

It took me a year before I decided to become a TT Member. Why did I waste a whole year?

I had become accustomed to eating whatever I could find and plenty of it. I had that stupid notion that as you get older, you just get bigger.

Turbulence Training intrigued me. Bodyweight training and workouts. So I finally got off my duff and I made the decision to join.

The last 12 weeks have been tremendous. Weekly visible changes and challenging, fun workouts.

I incorporated Craig's and Dr. Mohr's nutritional ideas plus Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat program, which was a big step for me.

But Craig's Turbulence Training workouts tipped the scales in changing my lazy mindset. No expensive machines. I have gained strength and definition using just my own body and some dumbbells.

The best motivation was when I and everyone began to notice a difference in my appearance. All the encouraging comments meant a lot to me. I am so proud to show off my before and after photos. But my journey does not stop here. I
love what I have accomplished , but there is more work to do.

I started with the Introductory level for two weeks. Then moved into the Beginner level. I stayed at this level for another two weeks. During the next four weeks I worked in the Intermediate level. I finished my twelve weeks with the Original Turbulence Training program. I am going to continue to work through the Turbulence Training manual with the 2K3, 2K4, 2K5 and 2K6 workouts.

I was 208 lbs when I started Turbulence Training with a body fat percentage of over 25. I finished my twelve weeks at 183 lbs and 21.5% body fat. My lifetime of fitness has just begun."
Mark Smallwood, Turbulence Training Transformation Contestant

Simple steps. Big changes.

Don't waste another year. See what you can do starting today,

Click HERE for Turbulence Training
Cardio Workout Interval Training

1 comment:

  1. Hi Craig, an amazing job you have done for your fans and readers. I am new to this site but jumping into your 12 weeks fat burning program I was excited and surprised. This is cool and top notch inspiring topic you gifted in this post. I am struggling to loss my belly fat recently and to get rid of excess fat I was scrolling my mouse pointer down on my web browser and found your great blog post. The title of your post had drawn my prompt attention and I was also hurried to clicked on and discovered myself into your health beneficial zone. The details you explained are indeed noticeable. I like your fun and challenging project. Probably I have to take a try. BTW before entering into this lovely post I had also visited few sites like Fat loss. May be someone here will find some knowledge from here. Thanks for your conducive work.
