Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bodyweight 1000 Warm-up, the Cardio Confessional, and Cheat Meals

Q: What do you do for a warmup before a Turbulence Training workout?

Turbulence Training workouts start with general bodyweight circuit warmups and then move to specific exercise warmups. For example, from the TT Bodyweight 1000 fat burning workout...

This is the warmup you do before Workout A...

Warm-up Circuit
•     2x's through the circuit using a 1-0-1 tempo for each exercise.
•     Rest 30 seconds b/c circuits.

A) T-Squat – 12 reps
B) Off-set Pushup – 6 reps per side
C) Stick-up – 12 reps
D) Spiderman Climb – 6 reps per side
E) 1-Leg RDL – 5 reps per side

Warm-up Superset
1A) DB Chest Press – 6 reps using 75% of the weight you will use in
your "real" sets.
•     No rest.
1B) Bulgarian Split Squat – 8 reps using bodyweight only.
•     Rest 1 minute and move on to Superset #1

Then you move quickly through the rest of the supersets. This warmup was actually taken from the
Bodyweight 1000 March 08 Workout of the Month

Q: Why don't your programs have cardio in them?


Long cardio is a waste of people's precious time. Research shows intervals are better for burning belly fat.

Stop wasting your time at the Cardio Confessional.

Here's a sample interval training workout.

•     Warm-up for 5 minutes.
•     Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a very hard pace (at a subjective 9/10 level of effort).
•     Follow that with "active rest" for 90 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of effort).
•     Repeat for a total of 6 intervals.
•     Finish with 4 minutes of very low intensity (3/10) exercise for a cool-down.

I recommend visiting the Mens Health Belly Off program website to see the results guys are getting with my programs. It shows you people do not have to do long cardio. Cardio is a joke for fat loss.

Q: Why do you recommend social support for fat loss?

Social support is huge. A professional is the best source (ie. doctor, nutritionist, trainer), but research also shows that training with someone who is also losing weight increases your chances of losing weight (but note, the person must be won't benefit training with someone who is not losing weight).

Also, message boards are huge. My board, has members from dozens of countries supporting one another and many say they would fail without it.

Q: What do you think about cheat days?


I despise the term "cheat day" or "cheat meal". Reminds me of the cheesy, B.S. bodybuilding rags I read when I was a kid.

I prefer the term, "reward meal".

A reward meal each week is fine. But just one meal, and just one sitting. Not three helpings or a feast that lasts 12 hours.

Reward yourself, don't cheat,

Click HERE for Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

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