Sunday, March 30, 2008

Can Women Use Turbulence Training?

Yes, women can use Turbulence Training. Here is another fat loss workout success story from a woman, this time from Japan!

Dear Craig

I have just completed the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Intermediate Level over an extended four weeks! I wanted to drop you some feedback.

At the beginning of my TT adventure, I had just lost 4kgs from diet and usual exercise. Now I was looking to tone up as well as continue my weight loss.

By the end of the four weeks, I had lost another 2.5kgs and more importantly lost 2cms off my waist, hips and chest and
3cms off my thigh. Finally I could see my collar bone - all these years I thought I just had bad posture that hid my collar bone from view but it was just those few extra kilos.

Over the weeks I managed to almost double some of the weights I was lifting and noticed increased definition in my arms and stomach. I am doing all this in preparation for my wedding (perhaps you should come up with a special arm and back program for all of us brides!) but feel so good and strong now, I am looking for new goals so I can keep getting stronger
and firmer after the wedding.

Thanks so much for putting this program together and following up with all your emails. I have really appreciated it."
Neroli Butt, Tokyo, Japan

Congratulations on your wedding!

Thanks for being another success story,

Click HERE for the latest Turbulence Training workouts

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