Monday, March 31, 2008

Bikini Body With Turbulence Training

Here's how Abby got her biking body using the Turbulence Training workout program

Chronological timeline of the workouts used:

Weeks 1-4: Fit Yummy Mummy Workout
Weeks 5-8: TT 2K3
Weeks 9-12: TT for Abs

I'd always been afraid to buy "e-books" in the past. They just seemed so...impersonal.

However, after a plateau in my results, I decided a transformation contest was just what I needed. I bit the bullet and ordered Turbulence Training and found a warm, caring, personable community that I never knew existed! Everyone was great and so supportive! It really inspired me and made me push myself even harder.

My story is like so many other women out there. I'm a wife, mom to 2 small children, and I have a full time job outside the home with very little time for myself. TT is great because I am not spending long hours at the gym. I get great results and I don't have to sacrifice my family to do it.

This lifestyle is easy to maintain long-term since most of the TT programs are just 45 minutes, 3 times per week. And there are so many different ones to choose from!

Nutrition-wise, using made the biggest difference for me. It made me focus on what I was putting into my mouth and it made me see the caloric impact. Exercise-wise, it really helped to keep a record of my workouts so that I could track how much I was lifting. Seeing the increase in weights made me work harder!

Also, doing the interval training on the same day as the strength workout helped because it kept my number of days at the gym down, which kept me from getting burned out.

The past 12 weeks have been fantastic. Being more disciplined in fitness and nutrition has spilled over into all aspects of my life. I even floss more!

I have lost 14.4lbs, 3.75" from my abdomen, 2.5" from my hips, 4.2% body fat and have gone from a size 12 to a size 6/8 (depending on the style/brand).

I plan to continue to use TT this spring (next up is Advanced Level TT for Women) and I'll see you in a bikini this summer! (Or rather, you'll be seeing ME in a bikini!)

I may not have been the most frequent, inspirational or eloquent poster, but I hope my pictures show how devoted I was to the TT program, how determined I am to stay in shape and how amazing I feel!

Thanks Abby!

Each day, more and more men and women are finishing up the Turbulence Training Transformations and it is going to be very tough to pick a winner!

Keep watching this space for more fat loss inspiration,

Click HERE to get the TT for Amazing Lower Abs as a bonus in April 2008

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