Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Amazing Lower Abs Workout

My lower abs are sore from Monday's ab training workout exercises. But still, I was in the gym today trying a few more ab exercises for the April TT Workout of the Month - Called "Amazing Lower Abs" - and my lower abs were too sore for me to to do many repetitions.

I'm really happy with the response my body has had to Monday's workout - NOT that I want to be sore and unable to do more exercises on Wednesday, but I know that the exercise selection and order I've put together for April's workout is right on the money. It's going to be perfect for sculpting the best set of abs you've ever had, plus giving you flat lower abs...something so many people struggle with. 

In fact, you'll have to ease into this program because in reality, it will be just TOO effective for most people to handle. But don't worry, the program will show you the proper progression for the Lower Abs workout.

Combined with fat burning interval training workouts, the April Amazing Lower Abs TT Workout is guaranteed to help you burn lower belly fat and give you a flat stomach.

Watch for it in just a couple of weeks on,


PS - The NEW TT Members Forum is ready...

I've upgraded the TT Members forum HERE

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    real wishes - this is amazing
