Thursday, March 20, 2008

30 Minute Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workout Schedule

Some fat loss reader mail today...

Q: I only have 30 minutes at lunch, the only realistic time for me to work out. Is there a TT program that only takes that long? I do try and get one longer workout in on the weekends or occasionally a longer one in the evening after work.

You can split up the Turbulence Training workouts into the resistance training component and interval component, so that your schedule would look like this:

Monday – Workout A Resistance Training (RT)
Tuesday – Workout A Interval Training (IT)
Wednesday – Workout B RT
Thursday – Workout B IT
Friday – Workout RT
Saturday – Workout A IT
Sunday – Recover
Monday – Workout B RT
And so on…

Q: Is Turbulence Training for runners? I know you say that long amount of cardio aren't good for burning fat. As a flabby marathon runner can I add for fat loss this while still maintain my marathon/triathlon training?


Yes, Turbulence Training is an excellent program for runners. It strengthens all of the weak muscles found in a typical runner (i.e. the back of the legs and the upper body and abs) and it also boosts the metabolism to help you burn fat. 

Turbulence Training will be a great asset to your training,

Click HERE for the best fat loss workouts

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