Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Experts Disagree on Fat Burning Cardio

People are always upset with me because they want to know, "Why can't fitness experts agree on one best way to lose fat?". Why do some experts recommend slow cardio but Turbulence Training uses interval training?

Well...I always ask them:

Do all investment experts always agree on the exact same stocks you should pick?

Do all Republicans agree on the same Republican candidate?

Do all doctors always agree on the exact same medication or surgery to treat an illness?

Do all real estate agents always agree on the best place to buy a house?

Do all movie critics always agree on what is the best movie of the year?

Does everyone agree on the same solution in whatever industry you are in?

Of course not.

Unless you're teaching grade 3 math, there's more than 1 right answer.

So when it comes to fat loss, there are more than one way to get from point A to point B.

And of course, everyone also has a vested interest in a particular method. For example, if Trainer Joe learned about slow cardio for fat loss from a good friend and pro bodybuilder, it's going to be hard to convince him that there is another way to do it. 

That's why you see different beliefs.

Here's my bottom line:

I believe if you are limited in time, than there is no better way to train than total body strength training exercises followed by interval training. That's Turbulence Training. And TT gives the most "fat burning" bang for your buck.

If you only have 45 minutes, 3 days per week, do you really think you'd get a better body by doing 45 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach? Or by using Turbulence Training?

If you want to talk about training 6-9 hours per week, and stepping on stage in a bikini, then maybe we have to look at some additional exercise. But I dont deal in that stuff, and 99% of people who read my articles and programs don't either.

So please, don't get stressed out by the fact that experts disagree.


Click HERE for my preferred Fat Burning Workouts & Lifestyle

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