Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Contest

There are now close to 70 women of all shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds who have taken a huge step outside of their comfort zone to partake in the FYM Transformation Challenge from and

This is one amazing turn out so far for the challenge began just began 9 short days ago.

The excitement is building as each of you makes the commitment to not only achieve a better body, but a new way of life.

If you have been on the fence or maybe feel like you haven't done so well over the past few weeks, I strongly ask you to consider grabbing your copy of Fit Yummy Mummy and taking part in this life changing event.

Deadline to register is February 29th.

Grand prize is $1,000 - imagine the shopping spree you would have with this amount of money. You, an American Express Gift Card and a New Body that allows you to shop in an entirely new section of the store!

Plus an iPod Touch and a $250 Victoria's Secret Shopping Spree!

Did I mention....a New Body as well?

Plus, everyone who enters will win a one-of-a-kind Fit Yummy Mummy Prize.

For complete details: Click HERE


Visit: and

If you are still wanting to know more about Fit Yummy Mummy and what it is all about, I encouorage you to join us. Meet the women who are changing their bodies and their lives.


"Every morning I wake up so thankful that I found FYM! I know I keep repeating myself, but FYM is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. When I look in the mirror, I am liking my reflection more and more. The person I lost somewhere down the road is emerging, she is coming back, stronger, confident and better than ever! My outlook on life is a positive one. I now have the energy to tackle whatever lies in front of me.

I posted my pictures last night for the FYM Challenge. I am excited to see what I can do, now that I have a boost of competition with myself. It will make me work that much harder and concentrate on every move that I make. I know this will motivate me to reach my goals. I am not worried if I do not win a prize. I am already a WINNER, look at the changes I have already made, and this is just the beginning. I have won more than I ever expected!"

So far....
I have removed 9 lbs
I removed 3% body fat
I removed 1 inch from my waist
I removed 1/2 inch from my arm

~ Sheri

Meet Sheri and hundreds of Successful Fit Yummy Mummy's at ClubFYM today!

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