Friday, February 01, 2008

The Smith Machine is a Cop-out

"Cop out" Definition

n. slang

1. An excuse for inaction or evasion.

The Smith Machine is a cop out. I've heard every excuse in the book for using the Smith Machine for squats and bench presses, and none of them have impressed me.

When someone justifies their use of the Smith Machine, what they are really saying to me is...

"I'm too lazy to learn how to do the exercise properly. So I will use this machine as a crutch so that my workout is easier. And hey, if it makes it look like I can lift more weight, that's an added bonus."

But the truth is, you need to quit evading the hard work.

Choose the bar, not the machine. Do things right the first time. Use less weight and good form. Focus on the muscles doing the work. Allow the bar to travel in a natural path, don't restrict it to the straight up and down motion of the Smith Machine.

If you are worried about using the bar without the "spotting action" of the Smith Machine, then use less weight with the bar and a longer lowering phase in each lift.

Another exercise "cop out" is the Elliptical Machine.

Seriously, if you're tired or your legs were sore, which with you rather use? The elliptical machine or the treadmill?

Deep down I know that everyone would choose the elliptical machine because we all know that it is easier.

And if we all know its easier, than why do we continue to try and fool ourselves that the elliptical machine will give us just as good as results as the treadmill?

Now to be honest, the same comparison goes for the treadmill vs. running or walking outside. After all, why else would people drive to the gym just to run or walk on a treadmill, when they could do the same thing outside? (Ignoring our addictions to the inaccurate calorie counters, of course.)

Yep, the treadmill is a cop out to "real" running. But not the worst cop out I've listed here.

Bottom line:
Your results depend on your efforts. If you aren't getting results, the first place to check is how much work you are putting into your program.

Train safe, but hard,

Intense Fat Burning Workouts

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