Friday, February 01, 2008

Green Tea, Detox Diets, Master Cleanse, Lemonade, and Fruit Makes You Fat

Today, a bunch of fat loss myths and fallacies...

1) Does fruit make you fat?

Have you ever met a person who got fat eating fruit? I haven't. And you probably never will.

Yet, "Does fruit make you fat" is one of the most popular questions I get.

It doesn't, so stop asking.

2) Does Green Tea burn fat?

Not really. You can and should drink it, but don't expect any miracles.

3) Should you do a detox diet?

You can if you want. It's not really going to change anything about your body or health, unless it stimulates you to change your lifestyle habits.

4) The Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet

I read a lady's website today, and she recently gained 4 pounds on the Master Cleanse Detox Diet. Apparently this involves drinking 4 pints of lemonade a day. How does this make sense to anyone?

5) Intermittent Fasting

This means fasting for a short, specific period of time separated by days where you eat normally. Two guys who I don't think are idiots, Brad Pilon and Art DeVany, think intermittent fasting is a good idea.

Brad has a book, Eat-Stop-Eat. I recommend it.

Art has a website where you can find out how to stay fit and strong through your seventies. I bet this guy is in better physical condition than 99% of people his age.

Be good,

Intense Fat Burning Workouts

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