Friday, January 04, 2008

Common Turbulence Training Questions

Q: I just wondered where I should start with the Turbulence Training workouts. In the past, I would consider myself at least an Intermediate, but it has been over 3 years since I really worked out regularly. So, since I'm so out-of-shape right
now, should I start with the Beginner program to let my body catch up to my mind slowly?

Yes, you must start with the beginner program.

Most of your results at this time will come from the right fat loss nutrition, so no need to overdo the exercise. Avoid that big mistake and you'll still be going strong in 3-4 weeks from now and beyond. But start too fast too soon, and that is what causes many people to give up quickly.

Q:Hi just bought your Turbulence Training Deluxe Package yesterday and am very excited. I have lost about 55 lbs on my own over the last year and have found myself at a plateau (I have about another 50ish to go). I have been working out with a fitness group over the last 3 or 4 months and have been lossing girth but no weight. I am leaning towards skipping the intro level and starting with the beginner but I don't want to do a level too easy/hard for me. What should the progression be thru all the different workouts I bought in the package? Is there an rule of thumb for deciding how hard you are working in the interval training (what is a 3 out of 10)? Anyway thats it for now.


I think you would be ready for the beginner level, not the very first intro phase. Tempo is covered in the manual, and is the pace of the exercise. 2 seconds to lower, 1 second to come back up.

Go in order through the main manual, then you can use the other programs at your desire.

As for interval intensity, a 3 out of 10 is a walk in the park. A 10 out of 10 is running or biking or rowing for your life. A 6 out of 10 is normal cardio.

Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training workouts  

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