Friday, January 04, 2008

The Bodyweight 1000 Workout

With friends like me, you're not going to need enemies in 2008. I've got some tough fat burning workouts planned for you this year.

And today, we tried the "first draft" of the upcoming Bodyweight 1000 workout.

Frankly, it is just too darned hard to unleash on the world.

Coincidentally, I finished it in about 55 minutes. Exactly twice as long as it required for me to finish my Turbulence Training Bodyweight 500 workout, the first time I did it. But there is no comparison, this one is 5 times as tough as the 500.

It might even have been the hardest workout I've ever done.

So back to the drawing board...I'm going switch the order around (becuase the workout had me sprinting out of the gate a little too fast), modify a couple of exercises to less intense versions, and we'll get a few more testers to give this a go.

Then I think we'll have something for you, either for the February or March TT workout of the month.

In the meantime, get yourself in fighting shape with Turbulence Training and enter the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.  

It was the 100 pushup set that did me in (after I had already done 300 reps of other exercises),

Fat Burning Home Gym Workouts

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