Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Transformation Updates

I'm up early today and off to catch a flight to Palm Beach, Florida, to meet with a few of the top online fitness experts for a few days, including guys like Ryan Lee, Mike Geary, Vince DelMonte, Joey Atlas, and a few others...

In the meantime, check this out...

We have over 25 people starting the TT Transformation contest so far...which is really odd when you consider that people are starting in the first week of December, a time generally reserved to resigning our willpower and accepting weight gain. That makes it the committment of these TT Members that much more impressive.

I also pulled these two quotes from MaggieW's TT Transformation Journal to share with you... 

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now." - Zig Ziglar

"It's not supposed to be easy. Disciplined people succeed; undisciplined people don't...Nothing changes by doing what's fun and EASY." - Tom Venuto

Here are some of the latest TT updates to keep you going on your fat burning tranformation...see you on the TT forums

DOWNLOAD: December TT 12-Minute Workout Program

Twelve different 12-minute workouts to help you burn fat and build a lean physique over the holiday season!

Click HERE for the 12-Minute TT Workouts & Videos

WATCH: Phase 4 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual

Hardcore bodyweight strength training to help you build muscle. You'll be shocked at how much fat you can burn and muscle you can build with this program.

Watch the videos here:

Note: This video is only available to Platinum Level TT Members.

JOIN: Turbulence Training Transformation Contest

In case you missed it, I just announced the 1st ever Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

For rules and regulations of the contest, click HERE

Here are the prizes...

Grand Prize: $2000 + 3-Year Platinum TT Membership

2nd Prize: $1000 + 2-Year Platinum TT Membership

3rd Prize: $500 + 1-Year Platinum TT Membership

You can post your Transformation and read about all the other life-changing competitors in the Turbulence Training Transformation Forum HERE.

That will keep you busy,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Not sure what TT Members is about?

Take a tour here:

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