Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Palm Beach Workout

Today I worked out at a Gold's Gym in West Palm Beach, Florida, with my webmaster Matt. It was the first time I'd been in a Gold's since 2001, so it was a lot of fun. Quite a meat market, and too busy at 5pm, but a great change from the small gym I lift at in Toronto.

I did...

DB Presses 3x6 @105. That was one of the great things, the dumbells went over 100. Its impossible to find that luxury in downtown Toronto, so even though I only used 105, it was still better than 100.

DB Reverse lunges 4x8, worked up to 65's

Pullups 5x8

Biceps curls to kill time while I waited for Matt to finish his workout.

Good times had by all,


PS - The Bodyweight 500 is going to be HUGE in 2008.

Earlier this week I was down at Men's Health filming all the workouts for their website Belly off program starting in January. We've even added some new combinations of the prep workouts to give you extra challenges.

1 comment:

  1. The title caught my eye as I live in west palm myself. I haven't worked at a regular gym in over 1 year.
