Friday, October 26, 2007

November TT Workout - Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

On Monday, it was sticky hot here in Toronto, very unusual for late October and the heat added to the intensity of my regular workout. Yet even after getting fatigued by my deadlifts and dumbell presses, I still decided to do a bodyweight circuit to finish my workout.

And for that, I chose the tough bodyweight circuit from Workout B of the upcoming November "Gain Muscle & Lose Fat" TT workout. Which is now available to all TT members HERE.

The November TT workout of the month goes back to basics and focuses on classic Turbulence Training supersets to help you build muscle and burn fat before (and DURING!) the holiday season.

Back to basics with this program...perfect for the time of year when calorie intake is high, and time is tight. Get your dumbells out and prepare to press, pull, and lunge your way to better, tighter body. The shirts will be soaked with sweat and the muscles pumped after this bad boy of a workout.

Throw in a classic Turbulence Training bodyweight circuit and my favorite new ab exercise, and you will be feeling muscles you never knew you had. I'll put a twist on your pushups to take the challenge to the next level.

The perfect workout for building muscle and burning fat at the same time.

Listen, there are over 4 weeks till American Thanksgiving, and exactly 9 weeks until Christmas Day...that's a lot of time to make a HUGE swing one way or the other in the body fat department.

On one hand, if you stick with the TT workouts and lifestyle plan, you could lose 1-2 pounds of fat per you a nice Christmas Day present of almost 20 pounds off your belly...

Click HERE to gain muscle and lose fat with the November TT workout

I think its a treat, not a trick,


PS - You still have 5 days to get...

...the October 2007 TT Bodyweight 500 workout. Click HERE to take the TT BW 500 challenge.

PPS - Don't forget about the Bodyweight Manual Videos...

You must be a Platinum Level Member to watch these videos.

While you were enjoying summer nights on the patio, I was sweating in the gym till 11pm recording workout videos for the entire 6-Month Bodyweight TT Manual...and now I am starting to get these videos up on the member's site.

Click HERE to watch the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual Videos

PLUS, I'll ship you a copy of the TT for Fat Loss DVD's when you become a Platinum Member.

"Turbulence Training is absolutely incredible. I've worked out for years and spent many dollars on personal trainers with very minimal results. TT is the only way to go. There really isn't even a close second!! I'm telling everybody who will listen about TT. There's so much junk out there that I love telling people when I find something that is really great. One of the things I say about you on my website is that you over-deliver. You over-deliver like nobody I've ever seen. Keep up the GREAT WORK."
Steve Tuggle, CPT

"I bought a TT membership last Jan/Feb becuase it promised results - fast and focussed - and today I renewed my Platinum Membership early because this system works. If I have problems or questions - I go onto a forum - I ask - and within an hour or 2 I have an answer - from Craig or from someone else - but Craig always answers - the answers work. I also have
hundreads of support mates all over the world who want to know what I do and if it works - and they offer advice - I do the same for them - this support works. And finally, I get videos to show me what to do and MP3s to tell me what to do.

All I need to do is
1) Set my goals
2) Follow the programme
Richard Blakeborough, New Zealand

See you on the Turbulence Training forums

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