Friday, October 26, 2007

Gain Muscle & Lose Weight

Usually I don't work late, but by the time we finished filming it was 10pm. Got home at 10:30, walked the pup around the block (past all the "clubbers" going to their fancy Fashion Week parties) and when I got back, I went straight to work finishing the November TT workout, because TT Members were getting impatient with me and wanted the latest workout, like yesterday.

Click HERE to get the TT Gain Muscle & Lose Weight Workout

So I finished that by 12:30am, and then I was able to write a couple of articles. It was finally 1:22am by the time I got to the couch to read a couple of chapters of, "The Best of Surfer Magazine". I'm almost done...its a fun read, non-work related, and it sure sounds like fun to have grown up in Hawaii near the North Shore.

But back to the workout...if you are looking for a classic TT workout, along the lines of the most popular TT 2k3 and TT 2K4, then you've got it in the November '07 workout. So no matter what Halloween, Thanksgiving, or even the earliest of Christmas parties throws at you, this workout will help put those calories in the right place. You'll build muscle and burn fat.

Click HERE to start building muscle and burning fat

I despise all the articles that suggest doing extra cardio to burn off extra calories eaten at this time of the year. I really dislike that "break the body down" mindset.

Instead, use resistance training and interval training like a sculptor uses his tools to shape and form the body you want. Don't use exercise bulemia to justify binges on high calorie foods. Turbulence Training is a healthier mindset and more effective way to make it through the holidays while staying healthy and fit, and getting ever closer to the body of your dreams.

TT for life,

Gain muscle & lose fat for life

PS - You still can get the TT Bodyweight 500 before Oct. 31st at

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