Tuesday, September 04, 2007

YouTube Tips For Personal Trainers

Youtube can dramatically improve your online (and offline) business - practically for free.

In fact, in only 4 days last week, we got our video to the #4 spot on the first page of Google for the competitive search term, "Toronto Personal Trainer". From worst (not online at all) to first in 4 days. Not bad - it gets at least 20 targeted views per day.

Having your own video on "page 1" for the search "Personal trainer in your town" could mean big business for you. If you put together a nice video with your contact info in it, you'll have plenty of clients calling for appointments.

Here's what you need to do...

Make short, keyword focused videos about your training niche and put them on Youtube.


Google owns Youtube. Therefore, Youtube videos that are "tagged" with keywords will quickly end up on top of the google search rankings. 

Within a few days of posting some videos on Youtube, my videos showed up on page 1 for several targeted fitness searches. And we found this out by accident...but now that we know what we are doing, we have some big plans for Youtube!

But I've made a few mistakes...

1) First, my videos are too long, so keep them short (less than 2 minutes). Take a look at this comparison...

My 90-second 300 workout video has almost 200,000 views, while my videos that are over 3 minutes have less than 25,000 views. Still good, but the numbers would be higher if the vids were shorter.

2) I also need to make my videos more entertaining. If you can be funny or controversial, your views will go up. Just never be boring!

3) And I now suggest disabling the "comments" option on your videos.

Since I didn't, my videos are now spammed with jerks promoting filthy websites and other juvenile behavior. This makes it very difficult for me to share with others, because this will really turn off your viewers.

4) Lastly, I mentioned you can use Youtube to promote your online training services. Here's how...just make a short, fun to watch video of yourself and use the keyword and title tags someone would use to search for a trainer in your area.

For example, if you specialize in female fitness in Cincinnati, name your video "personal trainer for women in Cincinnati" and then show 'em what you got!

So get started using this cheap, effective media immediately, and you'll get a return on your investment before the end of the week.

If you are a trainer and want more Internet help, get everything you need to know from my Fitness Expert Internet Seminar

See you in November,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Sign up as an early bird and you'll get...

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