Monday, September 03, 2007

The dumbell row - an exercise you love to hate

You know this is a good one because clients hate to do it.

Such a simple change in body position (from seated to bent over) adds so
much more total body demand to this exercise.

You have to keep your torso braced, so you get extra static-holding work for
your abs, glutes, and low-back. And its just darn tough.

Great because you can work up to a heavy weight while maintaining strict

Here's a cool tip. Add this exercise as a finisher - with perfect form, of
course - using a weight that allows you to get 20-25 reps. An all out set to
failure will, amazingly, stress your obliques and make them sore the next

But again, good form on all reps only.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Hard workouts with results you'll love

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