Friday, September 28, 2007

What I Would Eat for Fat Loss

I'm writing this from Reagan National Airport, at midnight, where I've been stuck for over 6 hours...waiting for a plane that has been delayed, delayed, and delayed again.

Funny I should be writing about eating, when I'm close to starving, in a practically deserted airport, knowing I won't get anything to eat until I get back to Toronto after 2am.

Ironically, I'd be eating better on my fat loss program!

So here it is...this is what I expect to eat (similar to what I've done in the past) when and if I ever need to lose body fat.

If I were on a fat loss program, this is what I would eat:

Breakfast 1
yogurt, pecans, berries, 1 tspn peanut butter, 1 apple

Breakfast 2
3 "omega-3" egg omelet, 1oz cheese, mushrooms, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 green pepper, 1 orange, Greens Plus Drink, 2 cups Green Tea, 1 tbspn carlsons fish oil

After Workout
500ml chocolate milk

chicken breast, spinach, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 yellow pepper, 1oz walnuts, 1 orange or grapefruit

1 apple, 2 oz almonds

salmon or red meat, 1.5 cups broccoli, 1/2 cup asparagus, 1 tbspn carlsons fish oil

orange or grapefruit, 1 oz almonds
1 apple, 1 tbspn natural peanut butter

This is very similar to what I've done in the past. That's probably around 2200-2500 calories.

But right now, because I am still gaining some weight, I eat a lot more bread, pasta, and oatmeal in addition to everything listed above.

And yet I still stay very lean on a high-carbohydrate diet:

Click HERE for the latest photo - me at 191 lbs

And when traveling, as I am this week to Washington, D.C., and Bethesda, MD, I always I always pack a lot of almonds, pecans, walnuts, jerky and apples. It's easy to avoid the crap at the airport.

Plan ahead and you can do it,


PS - Here's an update on my progress on Jason Ferruggia's Muscle Gaining Secrets Program

After 12 weeks on the program (plus 4 weeks where I was sidetracked and not on the program), I stand at about 191lbs, up 15 from the start, and as you can see, just as lean as on day 1 of the program.

If you want to build muscle, Click HERE for Jay's muscle building program

PPS - If you have some free time and want to learn more from the fat loss experts...

Listen to Alwyn Cosgrove and Brad Pilon's interviews:

Click HERE for Cosgrove's audio interview & transcript

Very important points he makes on hanging around lean people to get lean, and also on Berardi's "g-flux" theory, which means a person will get different results if they eat 2000 and burn 2000 calories than if they eat only 1300 calories and burn 1300 calories...very similar to the calorie is not a calorie argument.

Brad's interview here might give you a new lifestyle type of dieting: Click HERE for Brad Pilon & Eat-Stop-Eat

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