Thursday, September 27, 2007

Books I've Read this Year

Tuesday I traveled to Washington, D.C...Airports always give me time to read through the many newsletters and books I have purchased and subscribe to...I wanted to read 100 books this year, but I'm way off that, although I spend a lot of time reading print newsletters instead, so that makes up for it.

Here's what I've read so far this year...

Training/Nutrition Books

1. Naked Warrior – Pavel Tsatsouline
2. Naked Nutrition – Mike Roussell
3. Never Gymless – Ross Ennamit
4. Pace – Dr. Al Sears
5. Infinite Intensity – Ross Enamait
6. Enter the Kettlebell – Pavel Tsatsouline
7. Weight Loss Fast - Brad Pilon
8. 6-Minute Circuits - John Barban
9. No-Nonsense Muscle Building - Vince DelMonte
10. Muscle Building Secrets by Jason Ferruggia


(*** = highly recommended for your business if you sell anything)

1. Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren
2. The New Testament
3. Never Eat Alone – Kevin Ferrazzi
4. Multiple Streams of Internet Income – Robert Allen
5. Primal Branding – Create Zealots for Your Brand – Patrick Hanlon
6. Listbuilding – Mark Hendricks
7. Google Cash – Chris Carpenter
8. Success Secrets of Online Marketing Superstars
***9. The Psychology of Influence & Persuasion – Robert Caldini
***10. The 4-Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss
11. How to Sell at Higher Margins Than Your Competitors – Steinmetz & Brooks
12. Success is Your Birthright – Larry Adeson
13. Blue Ocean Strategy – W. Chan Kim
14. Instant Income – Janet Switzer
15. The Starbucks Experience
***16. The New Psycho-Cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz (a must read for everyone)
17. Flip – Various authors
18. Made to Stick – C&D Heath
19. Black Swan – Nicholas Taleb (man, his first book was so much better...)
20. Clublife – Rob the Bouncer
21. Richistan – Robert Frank
22. My Unfinished Business – Dan Kennedy
23. Marley & Me

And the book I just finished Tuesday on a flight from Toronto to Washington was Dan Kennedy's "NO BS Time Management System for Entrepreneurs". This should be required for anyone that actually feels a need to get something done in a day.

A lot of the lessons in this book are repeated in the "4-hour Work Week"...but Kennedy's book came first (by 10 years).

Basically, don't allow anyone to interrupt you, focus on getting a few major things done each day, and don't mess around. You might come across as rude to the "Chatty Cathy's" at your workplace, but its worth it to actually get something done.

Such as reading a book,

PS - Up next is "Thick Face, Black Heart"

PPS - The first "book" you should read is my new TT Bodyweight 500

"Having "no time to train" is no longer an excuse now that CB has released his "TT 500 workout". If you want to get your metabolism jump started, your muscles pumped and your butt kicked then this is the workout you need. This is a whole body workout that will challenge you both physically AND mentally. Every muscle in your body will feel the effects of this workout for days after. Another gem from the CB vault has been released!"
Chris Lopez, Toronto Fitness Expert

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