Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday bodyweight 500 workout

Excellent workout today...although it was a bit of a double workout, doing the Workout C from the Bodyweight 500 and the doing most of Workout B from ferruggia's maximum mass program, but dot tell him I did it that way.

The 500 workout was a combination of moderate to high rep dumbeel exercises and advanced bodyweight exercises.

After only 10 minutes I was sweating more than the girl on the treadmill who had been jogging before I got there...she could have used a TT workout.

Then I switched into workout B from Jay's program which is ahigh repetition I was beat halfway through but still finished the full workout.

The reason why I did both workouts was b/c we will be filming the 500 workout tomorrow night and I needed to polish up that last workout.

Overall, the October workout is going to rock you.

If you are ready for the next level of challenging workouts, you will love this one.

Go to and signup to get this workout when it is launched on oct 1. Also, you'll get the sept. TT for Abs in the meantime.

Or get the full TT package from and ge three months of the Membership free.

Good times


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