Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bodyweight Training for Fat Loss & Muscle Building

Today I want to talk about bodyweight training. About how it can be used for fat loss, muscle building, and improving your ability to move (mobility). And we'll show you a few exercises as well.

One of my friends and clients, Joe, is a lawyer in the big city. He's chained to a desk, a big change from his University days of varsity sports, or his high school days working on the farm.

Now for a guy like Joe, who wasn't meant to be stuck behind a desk for 10 hours per day, bodyweight training was a real godsend.

The athletic movements were just what he needed. The challenges of mastering his bodyweight in both upper and lower body exercises was exhilarating, and liberating compared to the days he spends behind the desk.

Not surprisingly, Joe also liked my favorite exercise (the Y-squat or Overhead squat) because it opened up his chest, stretching his tight pecs, and strengthened the muscles of his upper back. (If you are still unfamiliar with the Y-squat, you can find it on this page here.)

And with each new exercise, Joe would challenge his body to increase his range of motion, to "unstick himself" if you will, from the deskbound posture that he ends up with after another 50-60 hour work week (he doesn't work that much, for a lawyer).

And as I said to Joe, it is really important to get working on stuff like the Y-squats and stick-ups when he's young, so that his shoulders aren't all tied up like some of the older executives I see in the gym...that can't even lift their arms overhead...check out the simple Stick-up exercise here.

But don't worry, it's never too late to make improvements - just be consistent with your bodyweight training. If you are in really bad shape and all twisted up, you'll have to master basic postural exercises like the Bird Dog and the Plank. Those can help take away your back pain.

If you are a desk jockey, you need to use as many different exercises and movements as possible. And the bodyweight manual, with over 70 exercises, will challenge your strength and mobility, endurance and agility.

It will make you feel alive.

You want a quick burst of energy? Forget about Starbucks, and their drinks so loaded with caffeine that they make Red Bull look like kid's stuff. In the same amount of time (or less) that it takes you to walk to Starbucks, and order one of their ridiculously-named beverages, you could do a circuit of bodyweight exercise that will:

  • invigorate you
  • loosen you up
  • increase the blood flow to your brain
  • burn more calories and fat than any caffeine-loaded beverage ever will
  • improve your health
  • give you sustained energy boost, not a massive artificial increase in alertness followed by a crash in your motivation that you get from caffeine

You want stress relief in less than 30 seconds? One set of 10 Y-squats or Stick-ups will give you that.

Now I do get asked a lot, "Can you build muscle with bodyweight exercises"?

And the truth is yes, but...

For some guys, they can literally build a cover model body with bodyweight exercises (I've been at magazine photoshoots with a fitness model that does only bodyweight training and boxing and he was leaner, buffer, and better than some weight-trained fitness models)...

It all depends on where you are in your physical development...but certain exercises like Chins, Dips, Single-leg Squats, Shoulder-press Pushups, Glute-Ham Raises, and Pullups, will help you gain muscle. And you can do these at home, while on the road for business, or when you have to workout an inadequate fitness facility.

But for many other people - and I should say the majority of people, they will need some weight exercises to build muscle. (If you have the option, just start using dumbbells for as many of the bodyweight exercises as you can - you'll find you won't need much weight to gain muscle when using the 1-leg deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, and the like).

Another popular question, "Can I use bodyweight training in place of regular interval training".

And the answer of course, is yes. If you are looking for a new form of interval training, then I recommend starting with the three circuit workouts from Stage 2 of the 6-month bodyweight manual. Those are some kick-butt, fat-burning, get-leanin' workouts. And all can be done at home, in less time than it would take you to drive to the gym and back, let alone do your workout. 

Use your body to lose fat, get ripped abs, and even gain muscle

Save time, save money, and save your body, with bodyweight training,


PS - The Bodyweight 500 is coming to TTMembers in October...

My coolest new workout, the Bodyweight 500, will be the perfect challenge for anyone motivated by competition.

The TT October 07 "Bodyweight 500" workout is the unofficial bodyweight version of the popular 300 workout...

It features 3 unique workouts to do during the week to in preparation for a weekend bodyweight workout challenge - eventually working up to a 500 rep bodyweight workout!

The 300 workout was great for motivation for people that live on competition. So if you're one of those people that needs some competiton and an end goal to keep you on track, this is for you. - The Bodyweight 500 arrives Oct 1

PPS - Click HERE to become a Platinum TT Member

"The TT Membership is a freakin' steal. Craig charges virtually nothing and you get access to dozens of workouts, articles, and information, including different ones for different goals (athletes, pre-season, fat-loss, muscle gains). Plus (and this is a BIG plus), the dude is extremely prompt about answering e-mails. Not to mention very much no-BS and to the point."

Qaiser Wairich

"Craig, I'm trying to think of an easy way to say this...You are the absolute BEST!  All I can say is WOW to the TT Pass.  Actually, I'll have to say it again..."WOW!!!" There's so much in there - it's unbelieveable!  I know some of my clients will hate me for these workouts, but love the results they get. This has to be the ultimate in training manuals.  Hands down.  Best I've ever seen. I'll be digesting these manuals like you wouldn't believe Craig.  The 6-month bodyweight is worth the price of the package itself! And just because I have the pass doesn't mean I won't stop supporting and buying from you Craig - no doubt about it!  Thank you so much!  I'll make ya proud!"
Lee Smith, Las Vegas

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