Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wednesday squat and clean workout

I don't really know anything about training other than the fact the basics work best. Squats, cleans, presses, pulls, and rows work best for fat burning and muscle building.

Generally, the harder the exercise, the better the results. Plain and simple.

Which leads us to today...

1) Olympic Clean and Press (3x3)
- working on technique - 135

2) front squat (4x5) - 200

3) pullups (1xMax, 25 reps total)
- 12,5,5,3
- too much upper body already this week

4a) narrow stance good morning (3x10) - 55
4b) kb side bends (3x15) - 55

Some intensity was sacrificed for volume later in the workout, but not at the start with the cleans and squats.

Training, not exercise,


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