Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Shocking Source of Calories

How many times have you justified a long cardio session because you ate (or were going to eat) a 500 calorie dessert?

Everyone's done it.

Do you remember how freaking long you had to do cardio just to burn 500 calories? I guarantee you it was at least 30 minutes. For some people, it was an hour.

I remember when I was stupid enough to do this, and if I was really moving I could hit about 450 calories in half an hour. Thank goodness those days are over and I know a better way...

But back to you, and the times you've done marathon sessions of cardio. Hopefully, you learned this lesson:

  • Some foods contain a shocking amount of calories in teeny, tiny (albeit delicious) portion sizes.

From my friend Jon Herring at comes this shocking list of super-high calorie snacks.

  • Dunkin Donuts sesame seed bagel with cream cheese - 570 calories
  • Starbucks Frappuccino coffee with whipped cream - 550 calories
  • Dunkin Donuts 24-ounce strawberry / banana smoothie - 550 calories
  • 2 Dunkin Donuts jelly donuts - 420 calories
  • McDonald's large chocolate shake - 1,160 calories

So what do you think is easier? Avoiding the food in the first place or using the wasteful mindset of "punishing" yourself with extra cardio?

Surely, you have better things to do with your time. Play with your kids, walk your dog, sleep, meditate, or take a bath.

Not that long cardio is even the answer...but that's another story for another day...

In the meantime, stick to your nutrition. Know the consequences of these calorie bombs.

Plan, prepare, and proceed with Precision Nutrition.

Go HERE to get a free Precision Nutrition E-book

You are how you eat,


PS - You can still eat dessert...

Take a look at the Gourmet Nutrition desserts prepared by Dr. John Berardi and crew...

mmmm...Gourmet Desserts HERE  

PPS - Make your own Cheesecake Protein Bars...

Learn more in the discussion forum at

Go here for Homemade Protein Bar Recipes

PPPS - No more long, slow cardio...

There's a dark side of cardio that too many people have met. Avoid long, slow, boring cardio that gives you overuse injuries, and stick to fast, effective TT For Fat Loss.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the Dunkin Dounuts bagel and i add in a coffee with cream on sat morning. Must be over 700 cals total. Will be giving THAT up..... good info. Will become at TT member later tonight.
