Sunday, April 15, 2007

7-day Guide: Weight Loss Tips from the Experts

The other Friday I was out for dinner with Jon Benson (Fit Over 40) and Dr. John Berardi - Precision Nutrition. The conversation turned to the extremes that some people believe is necessary in order to lose fat.

But time and time again our discussion turned back to how the basics were the key.

a) Nutrition
b) Social Support - In our online community Discussion Forums
c) Basic Exercises

That is the fat loss plan for success. There are no missing steps. You don't need expensive, questionable appetite suppressants to do the job. You don't need fancy machines. And you don't need to starve yourself.

TT Workout. Change your interval workout and try Alwyn Cosgrove's new interval method for fat loss - read about it here

TT is all about lifestyle. That's why we have 3 structured workouts and 4 non-structured exercise days. So do something you like today, for 30 minutes of activity.

Just make sure that it doesn't interfere with your recovery from Monday's workout, or tire you out for Wednesdays' workout.

TT workout. Are you remembering to hit a personal best in each workout? What's today's record going to be? How many chinups you can do? An extra 2.5 lbs on dumbbells rows? A set of decline pushups for 20 reps? Whatever it is, make sure it's 1 rep or 1 pound better than last workout!

30 minutes of activity. Thursdays are a great day to give yourself some destress activity. A dinner out, a yoga session, meditation, a nap, or a call to a close friend. Treat yourself. Soon it will be another busy weekend...

TT workout. Before you train, have your body fat tested. Compare your results to 4 weeks ago. For guys, this is a good time to determine whether you need more muscle or to stick with fat loss.

Get 30 minutes of exercise from a fun, non-gym workout. As always, check in with that social support group. Get your motivation and encouragement.

Plan, shop, and prepare, of course. Get 30 minutes of enjoyable exercise, and don't forget to grab a new vegetable, a new fruit, and at least one new organic product at the grocery store.

An expert should make it simple for you,


P.S. Have dinner with these experts and learn from them...

Kettlebells for Fat Loss - David Whitley
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Can Kettlebells be used for fat loss? Can they be used in Turbulence Training type workouts? What are the best kettlebell exercises? . . . keep reading
Extreme Fat Loss with the Unique Exercise Genius, Nick Nilsson
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Learn about unique calorie-burning exercises that help you sculpt your body, build muscle, and burn fat. These are advanced, so train within your abilities. . . . keep reading
How to Reduce Stress with Tai Chi Expert, Dan Brown
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Stress is hard on the mind and body. I know, I put a lot of stress on myself. I used Chi Gong to help alleviate my stress in the summer of '06. In this interview, I talk with my associate, Dan Brown, about other ways to combat stress. . . . keep reading
How Often Should You Weigh Yourself - Fat Loss Expert Educated in One of New Jersey's Most Hardcore Gyms Sets CB Straight!
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
What happens when a hardcore, bodybuilding teenager becomes an educated, passionate strength and conditioning coach? You get John Alvino, one of New Jersey's most effective fat loss coaches. Find out what John has discovered through study and experimentation to help you reach your goals. . . . keep reading
Busting Plateaus: Getting Inside Your Head - The Key to Successful Weight Management
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Finally, mental help! We all know the basics for fat loss TT-style (strength, intervals, & nutrition), but how do we deal with mental roadblocks? Find out from Kara Gallagher, Ph.D. . . . keep reading
TT Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines - More from Dr. Chris Mohr...
Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D.
This is the next level of nutrition information for TT users. . . . keep reading
The Other Side of Slow Cardio...To use or not to use slow cardio for advanced fat loss
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Is TT wrong? Is slow cardio the best way to lose fat? Let's hear what fat loss expert Tom Venuto has to say about using slow cardio to get to single-digit body fat... . . . keep reading
Legendary Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto Shows You How to Lose Fat Fast in Your 30's and Beyond...
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
If you think that losing fat gets harder with age, then listen to Tom Venuto's tips. From beginners to advanced bodybuilders, everyone will benefit from his fat loss expertise. Tom lives the fat loss lifestyle. . . . keep reading

Here are some of my favorite TT interviews. Grab a Green Tea or a protein-meal and sit down to learn their secrets...

Join TT members today to read all the interviews   

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