Monday, April 16, 2007

300 Workout, Sore Knees Q'n'A

I'm off to Chicago this weekend for another seminar...if you haven't watched my Youtube video on the 300, check it out here:

CB Does the 300 Workout in less than 90 Seconds 

Q: I need to drop about 30 pounds. I also need to train for my Army fitness test coming up in July which consists of push-ups, sit-ups & a 2 mile run. 
Obviously, I'll have to do cardio to perform well on the run. Will adding 2-3 runs per week hinder my results on this program? Is there a risk of overtraining?

You can do the running on off days, however, start with very low volume. Run twice per week, say Tuesday and Saturday, if you do TT M-W-F.

Start with 1 mile each day. Then try to run the mile faster on Tuesday, and add distance to the mile on Saturday, 1/3 to 1/2 of a mile each week.

Be conservative. Back off if you feel shin splints and make sure you have good shoes. It's not "overtraining" you need to be worried about, it's "overuse injury". That's the dark side of cardio.

Q: I am confused as to how the superset works. If it says 3x8, how do you do that?

A typical fat loss superset of 3x8 is done like this:

1A) Exercise #1 - 8 reps
With little or no rest, go immediately to 1B.
1B) Exercise #2 - 8 reps
Rest for 30-60 seconds, as recommended.
Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

That's it.

Please see the sample workout structure on page 35 of Turbulence Training for Fat Loss for more details.

Q: What kind of advice do you give to a client who has seen a cardiologist and has been told to start "slow and easy".  I have "strong risk factors" for heart disease. I know you're not a doctor, but do you have you any experience training someone like myself?

Thanks for the email. You shouldn't use my program. While I've worked with a couple of guys at about 5'8, 310, the key is I worked with them IN PERSON.

I suggest you do the same. Find someone in your town and get someone to monitor your workouts. Its the ONLY way to go. You should not be exercising without supervision.

But I know you will succeed, so drop me a line when you're down to 275 and let us know how things are going.


My biggest problem while working out is terrible knees. This makes squats and lunges almost impossible. Given this, would the program be of any benefit to me? I currently weight train 5 days a week (no more than two muscle groups) and stationary bike 7 days a week for 45 min.  

Thanks for your email.

I have designed Turbulence Training for this common problem.

In the introductory workouts, we do most of the lower body exercises on the floor (hip extensions, ball leg curls, etc) to build up the muscles around the knees so that eventually we can move to standing exercises without pain.

Combine that new-found strength with fat loss from proper nutrition, and the standing lower body exercises will be much more comfortable to perform.

Now more importantly, the real question is this:

Are you making gains on your program now? If not, then you need a new program for sure. You are doing 6 hours of cardio per week. Is this helping? Is this making your knees even worse? What is the purpose? Do you really need that much exercise?

These are some hard questions you have to ask yourself about your training program.  

I know that intervals are better than slow cardio, so Turbulence Training would require you to make a big change in your current routine.

But if you want more results in less time, and stronger, healthier knees, and less body fat, I think the answer is simple. TT for Fat Loss is perfect for you.

Bottom line: If you aren't improving, you need to change.


(And of course, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! Dr. Mohr's guidelines are sensible and easy to follow.) 

Q: I live in Finland and love everything about working out, eating well, and I'm always looking for learning more. I've been reading quite a lot about TT the last couple of days and stumbled across your TT membership site. What are the details?


There are two levels of membership:

1) The Basic Level TT Member ($9.95 per month) gets:
- The Workout Of the Month Download
- The Nutrition Guidelines Download
- The Exclusive Fat Loss Interviews
- Access to the Discussion Forums

2) The Platinum Level TT Member ($147 per year) gets:

- 12-Months Access to All of the Above
- Access to ALL of the TT Manuals ever written (value of over $3000)
- Exercise Video Clip Downloads

Let me know if you have any questions! 

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PS - Can you afford to miss these interviews? 

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