Sunday, April 01, 2007

7-Day Guide for Summer Abs

We should all be fed a steady diet of the honest truth. Here's a cold, hard fact from Jon Herring...

"If you have a metabolic system that requires a stricter diet and more activity to maintain a healthy weight, accept that fact and do what it takes to achieve your goal."

That's not politically correct, but it's good advice that I hope someone puts to use.

Not everyone can have the metabolism of a 17-year old boy. We must make the necessary adjustments and deal with it.

Let's go through the next 7-days to figure out how we can make the best with what we've been given...

TT Workout - If your not on one of the TT programs that changes all the time, make sure you adjust your workouts every 4 weeks. That way you'll continue to get results, and you won't hit a dreaded plateau.

30 minutes of activity. Afterwards, check out this site that I recommend for personal development, including health tips from Jon Herring: Early to Rise - it gives you health, wealth, and motivation.

TT Workout. Make sure that you are continuing to follow the warm-up rules. Never skip your TT warm-up...even if you pressed for time. Do the warm-up, and cut back on the number of sets in the workout if you must. But don't skip your warm-up, or your workout. A little is better than nothing.

30 minutes of activity. Take some time to evaluate your fitness levels now with those of last month. It's important to keep track of your progress.

TT Workout. When you train your upper body, don't neglect the muscles of your upper back, especially if you are doing a lot of chest pressing. Pairing a press with a row is a great non-competing superset.

30 minutes activity. And check in with a member of your social support group. After that, commit to helping someone else you know achieve fat loss success. Send them to for even MORE social support.

Become part of their social support network. With your experience, you will be able to help them achieve success faster, and avoid common stumbling blocks.

30 minutes of activity. Plan, shop, prepare. Maybe it will even be nice enough to use the grill outside. If so, check out some of Dr. John Berardi's great recipes here.

Consistency is king,


P.S. The countdown to summer abs is on...

Click here to order

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

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