Monday, April 02, 2007

3 Biggest Factors for Fat Loss

Whenever a client buys a manual, I introduce them to the 3 biggest factors in fat loss.

So let's count 'em down...

The 3rd most important factor for fat loss is exercise.

And the more customized & intense your program is for you, the better your results will be. When you combine a great workout program with proper nutrition and accountability, you can make incredible can even feel like you are reversing the aging process - thanks to the increase in fat burning hormones from intervals & strength training.

The second most important factor is nutrition.

That's right, what you eat is more important than how you exercise.

It's always tough for me to admit this, but its true. No matter how great a TT workout can be, it's no match for eating a large pizza or scarfing down a huge piece of chocolate cake. Nutrition will always have the final word on your fat loss success.

So make sure you know how many calories you are eating and have an expert check to make sure that you aren't eating something that you think is healthy, but in reality is actually an obstacle to your success.

And finally, the winner for most important factor in a fat loss program is...

Social support!

A study from Stanford University showed that social support is the #1 factor for success in female fitness programs.

I'd bet that its also important in male fitness programs - no matter how much guys would be unwilling to admit it.

And this should come as no surprise...just look at the popularity of Internet message boards dedicated to fitness and fat loss.

We'd love to see you on the TT Message boards here

And while the social support can come from your spouse, family members, friends, or co-workers, the Stanford study showed that individuals have a greater chance of sticking to an exercise program when they have to be accountable to an authority figure - such as a doctor, lifestyle coach, or trainer.

Breaking news...late last year, a new study showed that people have more success when they exercise with someone else that is also losing weight. So find someone with the same goals and dedication as you, and you'll increase your odds for success.

Regardless, don't feel that you need to do this on your own. Get some social support and watch your success rate soar.

(I also encourage everyone to do a lifestyle review with his or her physician, especially if you are over 30 years of age and previously sedentary. Better safe than sorry. And it's also great to get your doctor into your social support group.).

Good communication and professional instruction will significantly increase your chances of success, 


P.S. TT can save you some cash...

Check out this TTMembers message thread we have going about how to save money on your grocery shopping and fitness purchases. If you have some tips, or need some help bargain hunting, check it out.

PPS - Here's some member feedback...

"Hi Craig, I'm 55 years old and have been on TT for over a year now. I'm in the best shape of my life, have 15% body fat, can run easily 10+ mph on the treadmill, am stronger than ever, and I feel and look great (if I do say so myself). TT is simply AMAZING! So whoever thinks they are "too old"...forget about it.....never too old. If you have the commitment and desire, you can do it. And frankly, I don't accept the 'no time' excuse...there is a simple solution to the 'no time' reason...prioritize your daily activities and start thinking about your health are of no use to anyone when you're 'disable'. Enjoy life!"
Al Aiello, TT Member

PPPS - I just interviewed Alwyn Cosgrove and here are some of the questions I asked the fat loss master...

CB: How much training is too much training when on a fat loss program?

CB: What's this stubborn fat protocol I've heard you've been using? How many people have you used it with and what are their results? Who should be using this?

CB: You have some great bodyweight exercises in your DVD and programs. Can you leave us with a fun little bodyweight circuit? Maybe 5-6 exercises?

Members can read Alwyn's answers here

New members click HERE to sign-up & read Alwyn's Fat Loss Secrets


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I agree with social support as the main reason. We were created as social beings and we can do better things if we are accompanied by others. The motivation we get from our friends and family is what keeps us going.

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I also believe that social support is the no.1 factor. There are lots of people working out and on a diet, but those that do it alone and don't have anyone motivating them will defintely not last long.

  3. Exactly.

    And online message boards are great...especially for those people that are otherwise surrounded by negative people at home.

    Anyone can do it if they have a helping hand.

