Saturday, February 24, 2007

Vacation Nutrition & Traveling Workouts

With North American "March Break" and Spring Holidays coming up, we need to address how to workout on the road more than ever. Plus, I received an odd question this week, asking me how someone should eat while on holidays if they want to lose fat, and I need to talk about holiday nutrition as well.

I'm quite sure the person knows the answer to their nutrition for fat loss question. You simply eat the exact same on vacation as you do at home - if you want to lose fat.

But I think they wanted to hear me say that when on holiday, you can eat whatever you want. But of course, that is not the case.

What happens in Vegas does NOT stay in Vegas, at least when it comes to calories consumed. Those calories come right home with you. Foods eaten on holiday are not magically less-fattening than calories at home.

So if you are committed to fat loss while traveling, don't stray from
Dr. Chris Mohr's TT Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines.

Otherwise, simply understand that there will be consequences if you eat a huge bowl of pasta and drink a bottle of vino each night. And that consequence will be fat gained. On the other hand, it is easy to lose bodyfat while on holiday. I know that I just did it.

By being very active in the water and sightseeing, along with eating properly - seared tuna, steak, sushi, an unbelievably delicious beef and prawn garden salad, along with bowls of local seasonal vegetables.

I also did a lot of bodyweight workouts.
For a nice bodyweight circuit, pick 3 lower body exercises and 3 upper body/torso exercises and alternate them.

For example...
  • A bodyweight squat
  • A moderate difficulty pushup
  • A single-leg exercise
  • A harder pushup or total body torso exercise like a Mountain Climber
  • An exercise for the hamstrings (i.e. 1-leg RDL or a Waiter's Bow)
  • An upper back exercise like Inverted Rows, Pullups, or Stick-ups
And if you are feeling frisky, go for a round of Advanced Burpees - seen HERE

So how did I lose fat on holidays? Simply, more calories were burned then were consumed. Yet even though I ate delicious food, I also did lots of quality exercise.

Airports and airplanes are easily overcome by packing apples and nuts. And by saying no to anything that doesn't fit your plan...If I can survive a 12-hour flight from LA to Auckland then you can probably survive a 4 hour flight to Mexico without the need for booze or processed airplane carbohydrates.

In the end, I guess you need to ask yourself why you are going on holiday...

Is it to get away from the stress of work and spend quality time with others?

Or is it to eat junk?

If its the latter, why not just stay home and save yourslef the traveling money?

Eat well for energy and you'll have your best vacation ever,


PS - Print it out and take it with you...
So simple, so effective. You'll stay lean and you'll have high energy all day more food and laziness energy slumps.
"Craig's Bodyweight Turbulence Training program lets you use your body as the most comprehensive home gym available. In turn the results are like nothing else out there. If going to the gym ever feels stale, I immediately switch to CB's Bodyweight TT program to get and stay in shape."
Anthony Belza, one of Toronto's top Strength & Conditioning Coaches


I want to thank you for kicking my ass.  Seriously.  I tried the one-legged deadlifts and the one-legged squats and literally cursed you.  I was shocked at how little I knew about bodyweight training (i had Matt Furey's course but it didn't go into detail as yours did) and being in the military, I've had experience with calisthenics but was incredible!"

Lee Smith, Iraq 

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