Friday, February 23, 2007

Seminar Announcements

I want to make a couple of seminar announcements...

First, if you live near Little Rock, Arkansas, there is going to be a great weekend of fitness education on April 12th weekend. Alwyn Cosgrove, Bill Hartman, nutrition expert Mike Roussell, and Charles Staley are just some of the presenters this weekend. Click HERE for more info.

Believe me, it will be worth it just to meet Alwyn.

Second, I will be doing a bodyweight training demonstration in Chicago on March 17th at a seminar for Personal Trainers. It's actually at the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove, IL. The weekend seminar is only $199. Dr. Chris Mohr and Brian Grasso (expert in training Young Athletes) will be there as well, among other experts.

Click HERE to signup for this Personal Trainer Education Seminar in Chicago

See you there.

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