Wednesday, February 14, 2007

TT at home

I am back in toronto, but only after almost missing my connecting light in LA...

So 13.5 hours from sydney to LA plus an extra 1 hour sitting on the runway, plus 4.5 hours from LA to toronto...and I'm home.

All while sticking to good TT nutrition...we can thank the Almonds and big bag of fruit I bought in sydney.

Technically, I didn't miss a workout b/c I did bodyweight training in sydney on wednesday morning and then flew back in time in order to make it home to toronto by 9pm wednesday night.

However, when I hit the weights on thursday or friday of this week, it will have been 17 days since my last weight workout (excluding some solid bodyweight sessions I did while traveling).

If you ever find yourself away from the gym for as little as 7 days or more, you should be conservative when you return to the gym.

Cut the volume bigtime (50-60 percent) and the intensity (20-30 percent).

So for me, instead of doing 315 for 8-10 reps and 3 sets (for squats), I'll just do 1 set of 8 reps at about 245 - and so on for about 4 main lifts for a total body workout.

Back to work, back to the puppy, back to the cold, and back to making TT for Fat Loss the greatest program in the world,


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